Chapter 8

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The drive back was silent. We both din't talk anything.After 25 minutes we reached. I parked the car outside and both of us got down I gave the car key to the guard there and Aarav came and stood next to me.

Aarav: Thanks for the wonderful lunch Shivani. I had this type of  food after a very long time and had a great time too.

Shivani: You're welcome. Am glad you liked the food. Next time you want to have food like this you tell me I will suggest you nice places.

Aarav: Yeah sure. I will tell you.

Shivani: I smiled and said" Okay then?"

Aarav: Then?I'll take your leave?

Shivani: There was awkward silence. I didn't understand why he was asking me,anyway I told him "Yeah I think you should, even I'll go and work now."

Aarav: I was upset when she said that I said "okay" and took out my car key and gave it to the guard.

Shivani: I saw him give the key and I said "Bye Aarav. "  

Aarav:  umm....Shivani?

Shivani: Yeah?

Aarav: Actually I wanted to apologise for talking like that today.I mean we both don't know each other that much but I got all friendly and sarcastic with you. I hope you didn't take it to heart.

Shivani: Hey chill. It's okay, I mean even I got pretty comfortable with you soo..(he interrupted me)

Aarav: Yeah actually, I forgot about that and I winked. I take my apologies back.

Shivani: Huh? I was thinking how come you got all sweet and apologetic! Whatever! Bye, I said and started going inside.

Aarav: Hey Shivani listen

Shivani: I turned and asked" What?"

Aarav: What you doing on Sunday?

Shivani: I was shocked. "I don't know, no plans yet, Why?"

Aarav: Can we both go out for lunch?

Shivani: "Yeah sure" I said and smiled. Btw, my reply was very spontaneous I don't know why I did it.

Aarav: Great! Now that you know my taste choose a nice place and tell me.

Shivani: Ofcourse.

Aarav: Okay, I'll take your leave now. Bye! See you.

Shivani: Bye!

Shivani's POV

First of all I don't understand what was that apology drama. You know I actually think he gets those attacks so that's why he is so weird or he has some personality disorder. Whatever! I am pissed with myself because I don't understand why I was so spontaneous and even if I was why did I tell a yes. Now I have to embarrass myself on Sunday. Again! I was damn pissed I went up to my cabin and my phone was buzzing. It was Ayaan's call.

Shivani: Hello?

Ayaan: Shivani where are you?

Shivani: In my cabin. Why?

Ayaan: Okay.You were not in your cabin so that's why I asked.

Shivani: Yeah. I went out for lunch with bhai and Aarav.

Ayaan: Oh okay! Now you 'll be in office only right?

Shivani: Yeah. I have to do a lot of work. But why are you asking all this?

Ayaan: You forgot but I didn't. You'll know it in sometime. Bye

Shivani: He said that and cut the call and then I realised my GIFT. I completely forgot about that. I got really excited and I was waiting for the gift. 

Shivani's POV:

I sat on my chair and was working on my laptop but my eye was at the door. Suddenly someone knocked I asked them to come in. It was some guy with a gift he gave me the gift which was packed and a note and he went. I immediately opened the gift, it was a very pretty blackish grey tube dress along with it's matching accessories. I loved the dress. It was very beautiful and the accessories which he had sent was just a perfect match. God! I am really lucky to have him as my boyfriend. He just understands me so well. I then read the note which said

" I hope you liked the dress but this is not it. You have to wear this and come for a date with me on Sunday and then after that we'll go somewhere. Just keep yourself free on Sunday. I love you :* I hope you liked it*fingers crossed*

I was really happy and excited for sunday I just was very happy. My phone rang it was Ayaan.

Shivani: Hello?  I said blushing

Ayaan: Did you see it?

Shivani: Yeah and I loved it. Thank you so much. You understand me so well. You are the perfect boyfriend anyone could have.

Ayaan: Ahan. I didn't know it was that easy to impress you otherwise I would have done all this long back and I laughed, she blushed. So now I think you would agree that I have a style of making up?

Shivani: I was just blushing and couldn't reply. I was just out of words.

Ayaan: So I think it's a yes. Shivani, it's okay I know I can make people out of words. So how did you like my sunday plan? Keep yourself free. I have something else also for you.

Shivani: Yeah I can't wait for sunday. Ayaaaan, why did you tell me now I will not get sleep in the night without knowing what it is, I said in a very kiddish tone.

Ayaan: I know it. That was the purpose and I laughed.

Shivani: That's so mean, I said it in a very offended tone.

Ayaan: It's just one day Shivani and you have enough work to forget about it. So just chill and focus on work.

Shivani: It is very easy for you to say , you know how girls are they cant bear secrets even then you do it.

Ayaan: Awww. I still don't feel bad, try harder, I was just enjoying it.

Shivani: Fine.I got really pissed. You know what I have work to do so I'll talk to you later.

Ayaan: Aww my baby is upset now. I love you but work comes first. So byeee and I kissed on the phone"*muaahh* because I could'nt this morning", I told her.

Shivani: I was blushing when he kissed I wanted to kiss him back but you know girls have to maintain their ego when men do these type of things just to piss you off so I just said "bye".

Instantly he said" Shivani I know even you wanna kiss me but I am okay with you doing it on sunday, now you work" and he laughed. I was blushing how can he know me soo well but I didn't reply I just said bye and kept the call.I looked at that lovely dress I wanted to wear it and see but I was in the office how can I, I'll go home and do it. I packed everything again kept the note inside the box and then I started working seriously. For the next four hours I was working continuously.

Aarav's POV:

I was really happy when she said yes for the lunch. I just can't wait for it. I don't know why I always feel like spending more and more time with her I think I love her but I don't even know if she is dating.If she was , Vihaan must be knowing I'll ask him. I just wanted to apologise to her because I felt like she was hurt when I was talking to her like that but as usual I got that comfort feeling with her so I took my apologies back. I feel like my life is a movie one guy comes from abroad falls in love with his friends sister, too filmy. I hope mine is a true filmy story. 

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