Chapter 16

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Aarav's POV:

I think Vihaan called me ask about what happened at lunch. I will tell him that she left mid-way and after getting someone's text and ask him to find out what is the matter. Is she seeing someone? Even the thought of her being with someone gave me pain in my heart. I was hoping that was not true. I locked my car and went inside.

When I entered I could see that three of them were a little worried.

Vihaan: "Hey Aarav", I got up and hugged him

Aarav: "Hey Vihaan. Hello uncle, Hello Aunty." Both uncle and aunty greeted me in a worried tone and I could see even Vihaan worried. "You people look a little worried is everything okay?", I asked

Vihaan: Yeah, We are worried about Shivani?

Aarav: As soon as I heard her name I don't know what happened to me I got tensed and asked him "Worried about Shivani? Why? What happened ?"

Vihaan: We don't know. She came home crying. When we asked her what happened she said she was missing her parents. But all these years she has never behaved like this... This time it was something else. That's why I called you to ask if you know something because you guys went out for lunch no.. If something happened there.

Aarav: When Vihaan said Shivani came home in tears, my heart broke into pieces. What happened suddenly? She was fine until she got a message. I was thinking what could have happened when I heard Vihaan call me again.

Vihaan: Aarav?

Aarav: Yeah

Vihaan: What happened? What are you thinking?

Aarav: "uhh.. I am just thinking what could have happened. Why is she crying".. I didn't know if I should tell them about the message so I just said that I don't know what happened. "She was fine at the restaurant. Maybe she is really missing her parents. Give her sometime. She'll be fine." I told them that so that they could stop worrying but Shivani's behavior was scaring me. Why was she crying? What happened to her? I'll have to talk to her. I'll ask her. Maybe it is some boy and she can't tell that to her family but she can tell me. But I have to give her sometime then I'll talk to her.

I just sat there worried. Her family was so worried. I could see uncle and aunty super tensed. So I told them not to think so much. She will be fine.

Vihaan: Yes Mom and dad, she'll be fine. I think we should stop worrying. Maybe Aarav is right, she might really be missing her parents. We'll give her sometime. If she is still not fine then we'll see what to do. But for now dad you just came back from your trip I think you should go and rest for sometime. Once she's back we'll talk to her.

Mohina: Yes Ranjith, kids are right. We should give her some space. You come with me change and rest for sometime. We'll handle this.

Ranjith: Okay. Once Shivani comes down let me know. I'll talk to her.

Vihaan: Okay dad. I'll tell you.

Dad and mom left. Aarav and I were sitting there for sometime then we went to my room.

Vihaan: "So Aarav how was your lunch date? ", I asked Aarav teasing him

Aarav: When Vihaan said lunch date I could feel my cheeks had turned red, I couldn't control my blush.

Vihaan: Awww so cute.. Look at you blushing and turning all red. So tell me what happened. How was it? What did you guys talk about?

Aarav: There was nothing much to share about the lunch because Shivani had left mid-way but I couldn't tell that to Vihaan so I just told him that it was a candle light lunch and just that was enough for Vihaan to tease me even more. But that didn't continue for long because Shanaya called him so he was busy talking to her. That was the right time for me to go and meet Shivani. I closed the door and went outside Shivani's room and knocked the door. I know she was crying and stuff but I had to ask her what happened because at this point I can't tell this to anyone else. I knocked thrice but she didn't open the door I was disappointed and was going to go towards Vihaan's room when the heard the door open. Shivani was standing there.. her eyes were red and puffy.. she was looking very sad. I never thought I would see Shivani like this. I was feeling sad to see her like that.

Shivani's POV:

I was crying and didn't realize when I had slept. I woke up when I heard someone knock at the door. It must be bhai.. He must be worried... He would have come to check on me. I wiped my face and then opened the door and saw Aarav. He was shocked to see me like this. He did not say anything. He was just looking at me.

Shivani: "Hey Aarav, I am really sorry I had I to go like that today. It was a something urgent so that's why..." I was about to break down..

Aarav: I was standing there and didn't tell anything. I was just looking at her. She apologized to me. When she was telling I could feel the pain in her voice and she was about to break down. " It's fine Shivani, you don't have to apologize. We can go out someother day." I told her that and held her. I could see she was in pain. I really wanted to know what had happened. why was she so broken..

Shivani: Aarav told me that we could go out someother day and he held me. I could I was getting emotional. I just needed a shoulder to cry.. to share what has happened. I hugged him and tears started falling form my eyes.

Aarav: I was trying to console her and I could see she was about to cry. I didn't know what to say or do.. before I could think of doing something she hugged me.

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