Chapter 14

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Shivani's POV:

After placing the order suddenly my phone beeped. I was hoping it was Ayaan's message and to my relief it was.

"Meet me in half an hour.Usual place."

This is what the message said. He did not ask me how I was, he did not call.. He just messaged. I thought something was really wrong because he has never behaved like  that.  So I thought I'll tell Aarav I need to leave and go. 

Shivani: "Aaarav I just got a text..I'll have to leave.It's kinda urgent.I'm really sorry but I have to go", I sounded worried I guess because Aarav's facial expression changed.

Aarav: I did not know how to react.She looked really  worried.Is it the same lunch person? I was thinking and got upset. 

Shivani: "Aarav? You okay?"

Aarav: "Yeah yeah. It's alright. I think we should leave. I'll drop you."

Shivani:" No. There is no need I'll manage. And I'm really sorry about this",I said and rushed without waiting for his reply.

Aarav: She was rushing out, I called her but she did not stop. I then paid the bill and decided to go home.

Aarav's POV:

I reached home and I could not resist but think what could be the reason for her to leave like that in a rush.Is there something I need to know?I think I should talk to her directly and express my feelings to her. I decided to go to her house.It took a lot of courage but the thought of her going away kept me motivated.I left for her house.

Shivani's POV:

I ran from there and rushed to  meet him.I took a cab to the cafe which was our usual spot from college days.I reached in 40 mins.This journey felt the longest I have ever had.The entire time I was thinking as to what could be the possible reason for him to call me there. Is he going to propose to me for marriage?I got excited and then I thought why would he not reply to my call or messages all this while.If this was some kind of a prank, I'll surely make him pay for it. I was super nervous and scared as to what is going to happen now.I finally reached outside the cafe.I paid the driver and my heart beat raised.I built up all the courage and went inside. 

I couldn't find him.I looked everywhere but I still couldn't. I got really tensed.I saw him in one corner standing looking outside the glass windows of the cafe.I went to him and hugged him from behind.

Shivani: "Ayaan? Where were you all this while? Why didn't you reply to my calls and messages?",I said waiting for his reply.But he was quiet.He did not turn, he did not reply.I was getting really scared.

"Ayaan? Are you alright?Talk to me.Please.I'm getting really scared", I said and tears started rolling down from my eyes and I started crying.He turned.He did not look into my eyes but he just said this.

"We're done."

That's it.He did not tell anything more.....It just did not sink in.It took me a while to believe what I just heard was true.

Shivani: "What?Why?Tell me why you're doing this?Is this some kind of a joke?",I asked but he did not reply

"Answer me Ayaan", I yelled and started crying.Why are you saying this to me. My tears were not stopping.

Ayaan: "Shivani please stop crying I can't see you like this", tears rolled down my eyes too but I wiped them.

Shivani: "Please tell me this is a lie",I said crying

Ayaan: "No Shivani, this is true",I said with a heavy heart. I can't be  with you anymore.

Shivani: "But why? Why do you want to leave me? You don't love me? You love someone else?", I said hitting him hard hoping the latter was not true.

Ayaan: "No it's not that....." I couldn't complete.

Shivani: I was relieved to know that he loved me too."Then why?"

Ayaan: Because...Because..I just couldn't tell her.But I had to.So then I started..

"Before we started dating I was dating a girl.I really loved her.She loved me too.We just could not live without each other until her father found out about us. He made every possible move to take her away from me and he was successful.It was very difficult for me to live.I always thought I would never fall in love again....I used to hate myself for not fighting for her....Then I met you.... and I thought this is the reason...She was not made for me.You were for me....... I was happy......I really loved you Shivani, and I still love you.", this was when I looked at her.I saw a little smile on her face.The one she always used to have. Then I saw tears rolling down.I never thought I would see her cry but I was the reason for her tears.I just couldn't take it. it was becoming too difficult to handle.But then I thought the sooner I tell her the lesser I'll fall in love with her.

"But then I found out that she is pregnant with my kid.",I paused.

She could not take it.She started crying more and she was shocked over the fact that I never mentioned about it.

She was just crying.She did not ask me anything.

"She called me saying she is pregnant......and she is ready to leave her family for me, which she should have done earlier.", I looked at her.She was shocked.She just couldn't respond...

"When she told me about eloping I told her I can't because I love you Shivani.But then she kept stressing on the fact that it's my kid too and I have no right to ruin a child's life like that...I still wasn't convinced.So I kept thinking about it and I realized she was right.I cannot ruin someone's life because of my selfishness..." I looked at her but she still was shocked.It was too much for her to digest.I understand.I wouldn't blame her.It took me also a lot of courage..

"We are leaving the country tonight.And we are never gonna come back here."

She  gasped when I said that.She then started crying heavily.Her eyes had become red.She just couldn't handle herself nor could I see her like this.I did not know what to do....

"I know I have ruined your life...but if I hadn't made this decision I don't think I would ever be able to live with myself.....I'm sorry about this Shivani...I really am......I never wanted to do this to you..Shivani please..please talk to me...Shivani please stop crying.I know it's  hard.It's been really hard for me tooo....Please Shivanii..."

Shivani: "Why did you do this to me Ayaan? Why?I loved you unconditionally and this is what I get in return...", I started crying more.My tears just kept falling I did not know how to control myself.But I don't think I should be thinking about it because the love of my life is  going....He is leaving me and going forever and I can't do anything....I have never found myself so  broken and helpless.I just did not know what to do...Why is life so cruel to me? All the people whom I loved have left me and gone..What do I do with this life... I was just thinking about all this and started crying....real heavy....

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