Chapter 10

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Aarav: Huh?? What.. Nooo...

Vihaan: "Oh come on man!!" I said  in a very excited tone like I have finally found something happening"This is getting interesting., you know if there is something you can tell me. I can be of help..Since I have the experience and most importantly she's my sister.. sooo..."

Aarav: I was thinking in my head that he makes so much sense I can take his help so I decided to talk to him about it."You know Vihaan.. uhh..actually there is  no strong feeling as such but there is something about her that just makes me want to keep talking to her and meeting her. I mean.. I don't know what it is."

Vihaan:" Whoa whoa! This is fun.. Okay wait. So you are saying that you are attracted to her but you don't know why and you want to just keep talking to her but your not having any strong feeling as such...Hmmm.. You know honestly I think it is LOVE but let's not jump to conclusions we'll have to wait for sometime to understand what exactly it is and for that you should meet her often so that you get the clarity if it's love really or just infatuation." I said like I was some love guru.

Aarav: Yeahh.. You're rite that's why I asked her if we could go out for lunch on sunday.

Vihaan: "Whoa! Somebody is superfast" I said pulling his leg and he blushed.. That's soo cute..I was actually impressed because I never thought of Aarav to be a guy like this as in so many years I have hardly seen him ask or go out for lunches or dinners with girls obviously they wanted to but always somehow he managed to not go. Anyway coming back " And what did she say?"

Aarav: She said  yes but then I feel she will not come.. Like in the afternoon she was normal, now when I reminded her she was shocked.. You know I think she has some other plan and she completely forgot about this.

Vihaan: "Awww.. Look at you getting all sad.."I said pulling his cheeks."You know what you just need to chill she must just be stressed because of all the work and probably she forgot in all the work. But don't worry she'll definitely come. I'll send her don't worry."

Aarav: Thanks bro! I just hope she comes.

Vihaan: She will bro I'll take care of that but only on one condition that you'll tell me everything that happens.

Aarav: "Sure" I said happily and we both gave side hug. 

It was 1:00 am. 

Vihaan:" Aarav I think you should  stay here for the night it's 1", I said showing him the time on my watch.

Aarav: I looked at the watch, didn't realise it was 1. I was drunk and sleepy so I said yes and stayed in his room for the night.Both of us just crashed after that.

Aarav's POV:

I got up and looked at the time on my phone it was 9:15 and Vihaan was still asleep next to me. I thought I should leave now so I got up and went down. I looked around I didn't see anyone so I thought I'll leave now and go home and call Vihaan.I opened the door and was leaving and that time aunty called me.

Mohina: Aarav?

Aarav: I turned smiled and said: Good morning aunty."

Mohina: Good morning beta.Where are you going?

Aarav: Actually aunty last night it got very late so I stayed here no I am going home.

Mohina: Oh that's very nice. Keep staying over but I will not let you go without having breakfast. Come sit. Tell me what you'll eat.

Aarav:" Aunty there's no need I'll go home and eat.

Mohina: No beta I am not asking I am telling you to stay. Now tell me fast what you'll eat?

Aarav: Aunty whatever your making I'll eat.

Mohina: What is this beta? Feel comfortable. This is like your house.Wait... Even you like aalu paratha know?I'll make that?

Aarav: Yeah aunty Vihaan and I both of us love it. Especially the one's you make.

Mohina:" Now this is better" I smiled. Where is Vihaan?

Aarav: He is sleeping.

Mohina: Ohh. Wait I'll wake him up.You sit.

Aarav: Okay. I went and sat in the hall while aunty was in the kitchen. I was checking my phone when I heard someone shout from up "maaa" I turned.

Shivani: Maa? I shouted from up. She din't reply so I again shouted and I saw someone looking at me from the hall. It was AARAV. Early in the morning also he is here.God only knows what is up with him.

Aarav: It was Shivani. She was shouting like a kid. Even when she is just out of the bed she looks soo pretty. I was staring.

Shivani: He didn't stop staring.. God only knows when he will. Since I have attention issues I smiled at him and told "Hi"

Aarav: She smiled at me. That smile!It is to die for. I came out of my flattered world and told her "Hi"

Shivani: I went next to him and asked " How come you're here?"

Aarav: It actually got late last night so I stayed here..

Shivani: Ohh. Nice. I had to smile no option. Luckily I din't have to talk further because mom was calling me.

Mohina: Shivani? Beta please go wake up Vihaan.. Aarav is here.

Shivani: Yes maa I'll go.

Aarav: Shivani it's okay don't wake him up let him sleep. I'll call and talk to him.

Shivani: "Okay" I said and went upstairs because a) I din't want to have any conversation and b) I don't know what I'll tell him if he asks about the lunch. 

I went to my room and was thinking what to do. Then I thought I'll ask him if we can go for the lunch today instead of tomorrow.So after sometime I went down. He was having his breakfast.

Shivani: Aarav? Can we go for lunch today because I have some work tomorrow?

Aarav: I was happy when she called my name but I became very sad the minute she has work tomorrow. For sure it has to be a guy, I was thinking in my head. After a minute I said, "uhh.. Yeah.I am fine."

Shivani: I smiled and said "Great" with relief. I am sure he figured.

Aarav: She was relieved when I said yes for today.. My love story has ended before it even started. I became very upset and I said "bye" to aunty and Shivani and left.

I too had a love storyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon