Chapter 11

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Shivani's POV:

Good that Aarav said yes now I'll quickly pick a place and ask him to be there. I had my break fast and went to my room.After sometime bhai came to my room.

Vihaan: Shivani? Where is Aarav?

Shivani: "He left, you were sleeping so he din't want to wake you. He said he'll call you." I said looking at him

Vihaan: "Ohh. How do you know?" I was getting curious.

Shivani: "Obviously he told bhai. What sort of a question is that?" I asked surprised

Vihaan: "That I get it,I meant how come you" I asked curiously. Aarav is smart at all this. I don't think he will need anyone's help. What a move directly approach the heroine I was  thinking all this in my head.

Shivani: "Oh that, He was waiting down and even I was down and mom asked me to wake you up so that's when he told this to Mommm and me. " I said stressing on mom I don't know why I did that.

Vihaan: She stressed on mom. Did she know something was cooking in my head? I thought it's better to leave now so I said "Oh okay" and was leaving the room when she called me.

Shivani: Uhh. Bhai?

Vihaan: I turned to her and said;" Yeah?"

Shivani: Can you give me Aarav's number?, I asked hesitantly

Vihaan: "Why", I asked spontaneously. Man, I always do this. I need to control my curiosity otherwise she'll for sure figure out.

Shivani: Bhai immediately asked my "Why" like I was not supposed to ask his number. I din't understand what he meant by why so I asked him, "What do you mean why?"

Vihaan: I was screwed I had to cover it up somehow so I said," Usually you both fight so I was just curious" I said in a very convincing tone.

Shivani: I laughed and said," Oh that. Then you'll not believe if I tell you that both of us are going for lunch today" I said with a smile.

Vihaan: "Whatt? Today? " Aarav lied to me I was thinking to myself.

Shivani: "Yeah, actually we were going tomorrow but I have some work so we are going today. Now I need his number to send the address."

Vihaan: He din't lie I thought. "Ohh. So does this mean now I will not get to see both your fights?" I said in a kiddish tone like was going to miss it if they don't.

Shivani: Ha ha, I laughed and said," That depends on your friend bhai. I din't know you enjoyed it so much."

Vihaan: "It's fun to listen to", I said. "I'll send you his number. Where are you going?"

Shivani: I have to decide now.

Vihaan:  Hmm. Okay,I am going down.

Shivani: Okay bhai.

Shivani's POV:

I was then looking up for place and found one.Bhai had sent his number so I then messaged him

Hey Shivani here. The place is The Pavillion, M.R.Road. I'll see you there at 1.

After sending him the message I called Ayaan but he din't pick up so I went to take a shower.

Aarav's POV: 

I reached home wore my gym clothes and went to the gym. I was upset so worked out really hard.After working out I went home and took my shower.Once I was done I checked my phone and I had got a message from a number. I opened it it was Shivani's message. 

Hey Shivani here. The place is The Pavillion, M.R.Road. I'll see you there at 1. 

I was still upset. I din't feel like replying so I just threw my phone on the other end of the bed and was lying on the bed sad. My phone rang. I went to pick it up it was Vihaan's call.

Aarav: Hello?

Vihaan: "Good morning . So are you excited? Heard your going for lunch today. Not bad at all as a starter." I said pulling his leg.

He din't reply.

"Aarav? Are you there?" I asked

Aarav: "Yeah I am",I said in a sad tone.

Vihaan: "What happened? Why do you sound sad? She said something?" 

Aarav: 'No no. She din't tell anything. It's just that she asked me if we could go out today because she  has some work tomorrow...", I stopped for three seconds. "I am sure it's a guy", I almost had tears in my eyes.

Vihaan:" Dude.. It's not like that I am sure. She must be having some office work... Dads also not here...If she was seeing someone she would definitely tell me but she din't which means she is not. You should be happy that she made sure that you guys go out for lunch.Instead of being sad and thinking she is seeing someone think that she wants to spend time with you. " I was talking like a love guru.

Aarav: Vihaan was trying to console me but the last sentence actually made me feel better. " Mmm.. Yeah... You're right. I din't think of that. 

Vihaan: "That's better. Btw she'll call or message you she took your number. Make sure you make the most of it", I said like it was a very big opportunity for him.

Aarav: Yeah, she messaged me the address

Vihaan:" And what did you reply?" I asked curiously 

Aarav: I din't.

Vihaan: "What? Why would you do that.Reply to her message even if it's an okay she doesn't like people who don't acknowledge her."

Aarav: "What? Shittt. I'll do it now. Thanks for telling bro. What else she doesn't like?"

Vihaan: "Haha that's so cute.Just be normal and she'll like you and just a reminder don't forget our deal you will tell me everything once you reach home."

Aarav:" Yeah, sure. I will tell you. I will not want to loose out on your help", I said gladly.

Vihaan: "Nice. Have fun. I'll talk to you after your date", I said to make him blush I am sure he did.

Aarav: I blushed when he said "date" and said "Bye" and kept the call.

Aarav's POV:

I was thinking what to reply... Just an okay? Mmmm.. no.. what if she gets pissed..okay see you there?...mmm. noooo.. I couldn't think of anything then I rembered Vihaan asking me to make the most out of it so then I typed

Okay.. I'll pick you up tell me what time. :)

I was hoping she'll tell yes.

Shivani's POV:

I was called Ayaan again and he din't pick up.God why is he not picking up my calls.. I hope he is fine. My phone beeped. I was expecting Ayaan's message but it was Aarav's.

Okay.. I'll pick you up tell me what time. :) 

I thought of telling him that I'll see him there but it would sound rude so I replied

Anytime after 12:15. :)

Aarav: My phone beeped. I read the message and was happy that she said a yes. Vihaan was right she is interested.💘 So then I replied

Great.. Will call you once I reach.

After sending the message I was looking into my closet and thinking what to wear.I thought of wearing something casual so I took out my black t-shirt and jeans and  everything else required to get dressed.


I too had a love storyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ