Chapter 2

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It was evening and it was almost time for the party.

Shivani was ready. She wore a nice black dress which was above her knee. She wore long earrings with her hair tied properly in style, light make up with black heels. She was looking perfect. Any guy could have fallen for her. She looked at herself for the last time in the mirror and then left  her room. She went to Vihaan's room which was exactly opposite to hers to check if he was ready. She opened the door and was shocked to see him.  He was not looking less than a model. The suit made him look even more handsome. She told him to warn Shanya coz of his killer looks and winked.

Vihaan looked at her and told her she was looking damn pretty.

Shivani thanked him and said that she is leaving for the hotel now to just check everything and asked him to come soon.

Shivani went to her parents room and told that she was leaving.

Mohina: "You are looking very beautiful Shivani" and put kaala theeka.

Ranjith:  "I hope Shivani even you find your prince charming tonite" pulling her leg.

Shivani: Dad stop it..I came here to tell you both that I am leaving for the hotel to check the arrangements.You both take bhai and come soon... Byee

She came out of the room and blushed thinking about Ayaan.

She reached the hotel and went to the banquet hall to check the  arrangements. Everything was perfect now she was just waiting guests to come.  She took her phone to call Ayaan and that time  someone said "Shivani" she looked up to see it was Ayaan.

Shivani's pov

He was looking handsome. I just couldn't take my eyes off him.  He was wearing a black suit and pant with a white shirt and a black bow which made him  look like a perfect prince charming that every girl longs for.He was calling me and waving to me but I was just looking at him. I don't know what he must be thinking of me at that time. He came and stood next to me and asked me if I was okay. I told him "you look handsome". He said "not as beautiful as you"  staring at me. God!!! I just couldn't take so much attention from him. So to stop him from staring at me I hugged him. I just wanted to be in his arms forever. At that time I realised I loved him so much that I din't want to leave him ever but I din't want him to feel awkward so I left him.

Ayyan's pov

When I entered the hall I saw her standing I called her and just couldn't take my eyes off her. She was looking so pretty in that dress. Everything was so perfect,especially her eyes it was just mesmerising.  I called her but she didn't respond I waved to her even then she was just looking at me. I went next to her and stood  and asked if everything was fine.She complimented me. Her lips I just wanted to kiss them. Instead of thanking her I was so lost in her that I was just staring at her. I then told her that she was looking pretty and continued staring.  I know what I did is weird but what do I do I just had no control on  myself.I guess I did make her feel uncomfortable and then she suddenly hugged me. That hug was so tight and her smell. I have never felt so addicted to anyone so much. I just didn't want that hug to get over and suddenly she left me I looked into her eyes and then stared at her lips I just wanted to kiss them I almost reached and was about to kiss when someone called "Shivani".?

Vihaan : Shivani.?

Shivani  was shocked to hear Vihaan's voice she turned and saw him and her parents standing there. She went to them.  She din't know what to tell them if they asked what was happening there.

Vihaan: Who is that guy?

Shivani: He's my college friend Ayaan I told you no.Wait I'll introduce you to him. I called him immediately not giving a chance to anyone to ask me anything.

Ayaan came and I introduced him to Vihaan.

Ayaan: Hi. I have heard alot about you from Shivani. she always keeps talking about you. How are you?

Vihaan: Hey Ayaan.Yeah even I have heard alot about you from her I always wanted to meet you. Am good. How are you?

Ayaan: I am good too and then greeted Ranjith and Mohina.

They asked him how he was and how was business when suddenly people started coming so they all excused and left.

Shivani was relieved.She went along with Ranjith to meet all the clients and the businessmen.

Mohina was busy with her kitty party friends and Vihaan was calling Shanaya she said she'll be there in 10 mins.

Shivani was looking for Ayaan.When she turned to the other side she could see someone staring at her.She looked up and it was Ayaan. He winked at her .She blushed and turned when Ranjith called her to introduce her to someone.

Vihaan called Shivani to introduce her to his friend Aarav Raheja who was his school friend.  Vihaan and Aarav are best friends.

Shivani: Yes bhai you called?

Vihaan:  Shivani guess who is he.

Shivani: ummm. I don't know. You tell me

Vihaan: You couldn't recognise him? I knew it. He is Aarav Raheja my school best friend. He had  left school when you joined because of his dad's transfer but you have met him a couple of times.We both had actually lost touch but we met again abroad. We were in the same class.

Shivani: Oh yeah. I just couldn't recognise. Hi Aarav how are you? I said bringing my hand forward  for a hand shake .

Vihaan interrupted:  Excuse me. Dad's calling, I'll be back.

Shivani :okay bhai

Aarav :Hey Shivani. Am good. How are you?

Shivani :Am fine. So what are your plans now?

Aarav : I am looking for a partnership to start my new business.  So once I get a nice proposal I'll go ahead with that.

Shivani :Oh nice. So how does India treat you?.

Aarav:Its awesome.  I used to miss India so much there. I just wanna stay here now.

Shivani  smiled and called a waiter and offered him a drink.

Shivani: Now that your back to Delhi come home someday.

Aarav: "yeah surely" staring

Shivani's Pov

Vihaan called me and asked me to guess who that guy was. That guy was good looking. He wore a grey suit and a black shirt and tie. He was 6.2" tall 1" taller than Vihaan and Ayaan. He was fair and handsome looks which could attract girls. He smelled nice. I couldn't recognise him and so bhai introduced us. Bhai had to go as dad called him. I asked him how he was and what he was upto.  I called the waiter and offered him drinks.I don't know I felt something strange about him, the way he was looking and me, the way he stared at me when we were talking and the way he din't leave my hand when I brought it forward for a handshake. I donno if its coz he was used to  abroad and thats how they greet there or it was actually weird. I din't have much time to think about it as bhai called me to meet Shanaya..

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