Her Beginning

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She opened her eyes, looking around at this dark area while lying in a small bed of yellow flowers. Her head hurt, and it made her a little dizzy, but the girl sat up anyways. She stummbled, but walked down the darkened path towards two pillars covered in a couple vines. She walked through them.

A golden flower sat under a pillar of light. It had a face, which was weird to the girl, but she stayed quiet.

"Howdy!" the flower spoke, startling the girl, but once more, stayed silent. "I'm Flowey! Flowey the Flower! You seem new to the Underground, but don't worry, I'll help you get the hang of things down here."

Just then, the girl felt like something was tugging at he chest, then a little red heart appeared. It sat inside of a white box that surrounded it with four button under the box that all read: Fight, Act, Item and Mercy.

"Do you see that?" Flowey asked the girl. "That little heart is called your SOUL, the very culmination of your being.

"Down here, monsters love to go into battles, that look like this, to become stronger. All you have to do to become stronger is collect as many of these 'friendliness pellets' as fast as you can." Flowey winked and the girl noticed a sort of big white speck that formed over Flowey's head. More followed and the girl thought that they were all the 'friendliness pellets' that Flowey was talking about just a moment ago.

"Now, try and collect as many as you can, human!" The girl noticed the pellets moving closer to her. She became a little worried and thought that the flower was joshing her about the pellets making her stronger, but then again, Flowey was offering his help to make her able to survive this strange new place. She moved her heart foward to the pellets and noticed that there was a health bar sitting under the white box her heart was in. It was set to 20, but when she came into contact with a pellet, it dropped to 1. She fell on her knees, weakened from the 'pellets'. Flowey laughed like a maniac.


Then a lot of those 'friendliness'-no, bullets-surrounded the girl while she was still on her knees. The bullets began to move in closer to the girl's heart, leaving no gaps for her SOUL to escape. The bullets moved closer . . . and closer . . . . She knew she was going to die at this moment.

"DIE!" Flowey finished.

Then, a yellow fireball came from the right of the girl, but she was not the cause of it. Flowey was blasted out of the ground and off to the left, not to be seen again. The girl looked to the right to see a tall goat like creature walking to her. The woman had on a purple dress with white sleeves and a blue heart on the chest with a weird design on it that the girl didn't understand.

"Oh you poor thing," the lady said, "being tormented by such a horrid creature. I am Toriel, caretaker of the Ruins. And who might you be, my child?"

The girl was a little skeptical about telling Toriel her name, and she noticed this.

"Do not worry child. I shall not harm harm you like the flower did. You don't have to tell me your name, if you don't want to."

Honestly, when the girl woke up from the flower bed, she didn't remember anything about herself, not even her name. She scratched the side of her head at a total lost. Toriel wore a sad face while looking down on the confused girl.

She must've hit her head really hard on the fall down, Toriel thought.

Toriel helped the girl to her feet, but she stumbled, still weak from battling Flowey. Toriel looked straight at her and held her hands.

"Do you mind if I take a look at your SOUL, only to see how badly your hurt, my child?" Toriel asked the girl. She only nodded.

Toriel placed two fingers on the girls chest and the girl felt that familiar tug on her chest. Her SOUL then appeared in front of Toriel and she looked at it.

Toriel could tell that the child was weak from the battle, since she watched the girl get hit before she intervened, but Toriel didn't think that the girl was on the verge of death. Her HP was only at 1, and was slowly trying to climb to 2, but failed. Toriel gently pushed the SOUL back to its owner, and it disappeared into the girl's chest.

"Come my child," Toriel said, picking the girl up. "I shall take you to my home, where you can stay for as long as you want or need. There are a few puzzles ahead, but do not worry, I shall help you solve them, since there are many more throughout the Ruins." Toriel chuckled, "The monsters here love puzzles."

Both Toriel and the girl made their way through all the puzzles, and Toriel even healed the girl, so she felt a lot stronger now. She was starting to be filled with a new feeling as well; determination. She skillfully passed all the puzzles by herself, while getting some tips from Toriel. Both Toriel and the girl arrived at the last puzzle, but it was only a long hallway with a path that kind of curved at some points. The girl looked up at Toriel.

"Now my child," she started, "before you is the last puzzle. But there is one thing I ask." Toriel stepped out in front of the girl, a little farther out. "I want you to make your way down this hallway by yourself. Believe me, I don't like this idea, but I'm doing it for the greater good. Just continued down this hallway, alright?"

Toriel started down the hallway very fast, leaving the girl a little confused, but did what Toriel asked her to do, which was walk down the hallway. She also began to think about herself.

All that was coming up was the name Asriel. The girl didn't know why, it was just a name. It didn't seem at all familiar to her at all, so the girl knew that it couldn't be her name.

The girl arrived to the end of the hallway to see a pillar on her right. Toriel then stepped out from behind the pillar and smiled at the girl.

"Don't worry, my child. I did not leave you alone. I was only standing behind this pillar. I wanted to test your independence. Now, shall we head home?" The girl nodded and grabbed Toriel's outstretched hand and they headed off.

The girl still couldn't get the name Asriel out of her head. She looked up at Toriel to see her looking straight ahead of them. The girl was going to ask Toriel if she knew anything about the name, but the girl hadn't tried talking ever since she came here. She tried anyways.

"T-T-Tori-el," the girl tried, but her throat was super dry and it was hard to emit sounds. Toriel heard and looked down at the girl.

"My child, is something wrong?"

The girl tried to talk again, but only scratchy sounds came out. Toriel began to worry.

"Please, don't speak, or you may damage you voice." Toriel warned the girl, and she stopped trying to talk.

I guess I'll ask Toriel about the Asriel name later, when I can speak, she thought.

"When we get home," Toriel started, "I'll give you a soothing cup of tea with honey. That should help your voice." The girl nodded.

They finally arrived to Toriel's home. It was the same shade of purple that surrounded the home. Toriel led the girl inside the home and to her new room. The girl wondered why Toriel had a room that looked like another child was living here, but she never asked. Toriel lifted her onto the bed and the girl settled in.

"I shall get your tea ready. You may take a nap if you want, cause it may be a while." The girl nodded to Toriel and she left to get the girl's tea ready.

The girl pulled the covers back and decided to take a nap like Toriel suggested and the girl fell asleep ad soon as her head hit the pillow.

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