"Because She Will Do Anything For Her 'Happy Ending'"

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You can start the music now, or wait till I say so. It plays for an hour and is a little soft, so headphone users may wanna turn this up a little. Enjoy the finale!! . . . There was not a spoiler there, it was coming and you all knew it.

Frisk and Chara arrived back at the home and they both sat on the couch, both exhausted from the days events.

"Geez Frisk," Chara said stretching out on the couch. "Your body is so small and weak, it's giving me a major workout."

Frisk shrugged. "I can't help it. I wasn't expecting a demon to try and take over my SOUL."

Chara looked offended. "Holy cow, firstly I'm a ghost with an exceptional amount of power. I'm not a demon YET!"

"More like more power than you need," Frisk mumbled to herself, but purposely made it loud enough for Chara to hear.

"Just hush it, alright!" Chara was getting more and more agitated with Frisk.

The plan was working perfectly.

Frisk had thought if she could get Chara so angry to where she couldn't control herself, Frisk could try and take control once more, and the plan was working without flaws.

"Seems like you need to learn when to shut that trap of yours." Chara said, huffing in anger.

"Should I look to you for an example?" Frisk asked, her head tilted to the side as she leaned closer to Chara.

"URG!" Chara screamed. She quickly gripped her head with both hands, well more like Frisk's body's head, but whatever. "WHAT'S HAPPENING?!"

Frisk smiled and lunged at Chara, another blinding light enveloping them.

Sans sat on his bed in his room, then heard a loud THUMP from downstairs. He figured it was Frisk, since he knew she was down there. He had also heard her talking to someone, but Sans couldn't hear the other person. Come to think of it, Sans noticed that from his room, Frisk didn't even sound like Frisk!

Sans ran downstairs to see Frisk on the floor, flopping around like a fish out of water. Her head was twitching as well as the rest of her body.

"STOP THIS FRISK!" Frisk yelled, but it didn't sound like herself. It sounded like another girl.

"Never!" That time he heard Frisk.

Frisk's body continued to flop around for about another minute till she stopped, and was now laying on the floor, panting and groaning in pain.

Frisk tried to lift her head, but it hurt to much. I must still be weak from gaining control again, Frisk thought.

Frisk tried to move her body, but it still hurt. "Help me!" She cried, but Frisk had a feeling that nobody else was in the house. Then something made a loud thump to her left and Frisk looked to see Sans kneeling next to her. Frisk smiled and started crying.

"Sans!" She cried.

"kid, what's wrong?" He asked. "i saw you freaking out and i didn't interfere in case something-"

"Sans call everyone!" Frisk yelled at him. "Tell everyone to get here, NOW!"

"but why?"

"I can't explain," Frisk started crying harder and louder. "and I don't have a lot of time! Please Sans, or she'll take control again! PLEASE!"

Sans didn't argue anymore and called up everyone, telling them to come to his house because of an emergency. He hung up from the last time and looked back at Frisk. "what is happening to you?" He asked. "tell me please frisk. you know i love you."

♡Below the Surface Love♡ {Sans x Frisk}Where stories live. Discover now