A Fun Time

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400 READS!?!?!?! IT HASN'T EVEN BEEN A WHOLE DAY YET!!! Anyways, there may be a little something something near the end of this chapter to celebrate *wink wink*

Frisk's eyes flickered open. She groaned as she sat up and looked at her wrapped up foot. She only remembered feeling like someone was slowly crushing her foot, then everything went black.

Frisk shrugged and tried to get off the couch, but something was pushing her down. She sat up all the way and looked to see Sans on the other end of the couch, holding her calves with both his hands. She became confused.

"What are you doing Sans?" Frisk asked.

"you can't walk on your foot. doc's orders." He informs.

Frisk groans and flops back down on her back. "For how long?"

"two months, a minimum."

Frisk grabbed a pillow and made a muffled scream. She couldn't last sitting on a couch for two months! She needed to explore and see new things.

"something wrong kid?" Sans asked.

"I'm not going to last on a couch for two months!" She replied, after throwing the pillow at Sans, which he caught.

"we do some fun activities on the couch. i mean, i'm actually jealous. you don't have to move a muscle for 8 weeks."

Frisk sat up and scooted closer to Sans. She lightly punch his arm. "You lazy bones. I'd love to trade places with you."

"same here."

They sat there for a little while until Frisk's stomach growled. She wrapped her arms around her stomach, leaned over and blushed, since it was so loud.

Sans chuckled. "hungry?" He asked.

"No kidding." Frisk said, still flustered but rolled her eyes. "Yes. What do you have?"

"besides inedible spaghetti? nothing really."

"How about we go out? Hm . . . what about that Grillby's place? That place looks good."

Sans sighed. "i'd love to go there, but you still can't walk."

Frisk then became sad and leaned back on the couch. "Yeah."

Sans then felt bad. He smiled, an idea popping into his head.

"i have a way we can go there."

Frisk sat up, interested. "How?"

"i'll carry you."

Frisk blushed again and looked away. "No no no. It's fine. I can wait on-"

She was cut off when Sans walked over and picked Frisk up bridal style. She didn't know what to do, so she sat there in Sans's arms, doing nothing. Sans walked out the door, a blast of cold wind hitting them. Frisk shivered.

"alright there kiddo?" Sans asked.

"Cold." Frisk replied.

Sans thought for a second, then started to set Frisk down in the doorstep. She sat there, confused until she saw Sans take his jacket off and hand it to her, which she hesitated at first, but took it anyways.

Sans picked Frisk back up when she had the jacket on all the way and continued to Grillby's.

Once they entered, Sans walked up to his normal seat at the bar and set Frisk on the empty stool to the left of Sans's usual spot. Frisk got comfortable and saw a man LITERALLY MADE OF FIRE walk over to them.

For some reason, Frisk actually couldn't stop staring at him. It's just that he was wearing a nice sort of tux and NONE OF IT WAS ON FIRE! This puzzled Frisk a lot.

Frisk got out of her daze on her own and looked at Sans who was just looking at her. She looked confused.

"you think grillby is hot or something?" Sans asked, with a smirk.

Frisk got flustered. "No!" She said, then felt bad for the Grillby monster, but he only held up a hand as I'd to say, 'it's alright'.

Frisk's eyes then went wide as she realized there was a pun in that statement and pushed Sans slightly.

"Are you kidding me Sans!" Frisk said. "I can't believe you just did that." Frisk then smiled. "It wasn't even that humerus."

Sans gave a fake shocked looked then said, "oh, it's on kiddo."

They sat at the bar, eating burgers-well Frisk had a burger while Sans was about half way done drinking his second bottle of KETCHUP-and telling horrible puns while the rest of the restaurant's patrons groaned.

"Knock knock." Frisk said, bringing on her last joke, hoping it would get Sans good.

"who's there?" He asked, still wiping a tear from when he said a funny joke just a few minutes ago.


"hot who?"

"Really? You think someone here is hot too!" Frisk made a fake sigh and put her hand over her heart. "Good, I thought I was the only one."

That got him. Sans had fallen off the bar stool and was holding his stomach out of breath while Frisk was banging a fist on the bar counter and laughing at Sans's reaction.

"that *deep breath* that was good kid." Sans said, still smiling when he finally calmed down and got up. "but we should head on home. pap is probably getting cranky without his bedtime story."

Frisk nodded. "Alright. I was getting tired anyways."

Sans came over and picked Frisk up and started hime, but Sans was going slow on purpose. He had noticed that Frisk's eyes were starting to droop and he watched as she fell asleep in his arms. He smiled at her sleeping figure and lightly pressed his teeth against her forehead, resembling a kiss.

"'night . . . frisk." Sans whispered into her ear as she smiled, still asleep. Sans smiled as to how adorable she was.

Sans arrived home to a very mad Papyrus standing in front of the door, tapping his foot on the ground.

"how long you been here?" Sans asked.

"TWO HOURS, SANS!" Papyrus yelled, clearly mad at his brother. "I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR MY BEDTIME STORY FOR TWO. HOURS!"

Sans shushed Papyrus as Frisk slightly moved in his arms. Papyrus was confused, until he looked at Frisk sleeping in Sans's embrace. He nodded.

"I'LL BE IN MY ROOM." Papyrus said, slightly quieter than normal, and headed up the stairs. "YOU DON'T NEED TO READ TO ME, OK SANS!"

Sans was confused by this, but did as his brother said, so he waited till Papyrus shut his door quietly and headed upstairs himself. Sans couldn't let Frisk sleep on the couch anymore, since she was almost as long as it.

He opened the door to his room and slipped in. He set Frisk on the bed and tried to keep her upright as he took off his jacket from her sleeping body. He threw it in a corner and laid her down and under the covers.

Sans couldn't help but stare at Frisk. She was just . . . the most adorable thing. Her short brown hair, always in her face. Her smiling face. Her tiny body. She was just . . . perfect.

Sans then slipped in bed behind her and held her in a behind hug as she slept. He could hear her murmur a little and turn to look at him. Sans blushed a light blue, but only pulled her closer, then felt a hand on his chest. He looked down to see Frisk's head leaning on his chest with one of her small hands near her head. Sans smiled and planted another kiss on her forehead.

Sans soon fell asleep, ending a perfect day with an even better night.


Hey, I never said what, but I bet over half of you are happy for what I did here.

♡Below the Surface Love♡ {Sans x Frisk}Where stories live. Discover now