It's Just a Scratch

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Frisk walked until she remembered that their was a shop near the town welcome sign, so she headed that way and saw the shop. She smiled and walked in, greeted to a blast of warm air.

(This shop is probably gonna be the size of a convenient store, or half of a Walmart. Just letting you guys know)

The shop was bigger than Frisk expected, but she wasn't one to judge. There were some white fairy lights shining around the top of each wall with some tinsel on top of shelves. It smelled of pine wood and some maple here and there as well.

Frisk stated walking down an isle, looking for any decorations that would look nice on the house or inside. She could soon hear whispers from other monsters inside the shop with her.

"Is that a human?" Some asked, a little to loudly.

"No, one hasn't fallen in quite a while." Another monster responded.

"Well, it looks like one, but she looks like a total wimp!" The first person said.

"Yeah, your right!" The second voice responded. "Probably never been in a fight before!"

"Guys, she doesn't seem that bad." A new voice said. His voice sounded like a 12 year old kid.

"Shut it MK!" The first voice yelled back.

Frisk started to get self-conscious about herself now, and frowned. She kept her head down, but also listened to the kids talking some more.

"Look guys, I think I see a tear in her eyes!" The second voice said, laughing. The first voice joined in.

"Yeah, let's go give her a 'hug'!" The first voice said. Frisk could even hear the exaggeration on the word 'hug'.

"Guys, guys wait up!" The third voice yelled back.

Frisk then heard a sound of a body hitting a shelf. She gasped quietly and ran over to the sound.

She rounded the corner and saw two tall monsters resembling white bunnies standing over a smaller monster that looked like it was wearing a yellow and orange stripped shirt and had no arms.

"Stop that!" Frisk yelled, as one of them about hit the smaller monster.

"Go on!" The monster yelled from the floor. "I'll be fine."

"Shut it!" The first one kicked the monster on the floor and Frisk gasped. She ran over and grabbed his arm, since he was about to punch the monster. He was confused, but slammed Frisk into a wall to her right. She took deep breaths.

"Looks like the wimp is trying to be a hero." The familiar first voice said.

"Well, try again!" The second voice yelled, kicking Frisk in the stomach. She spit blood on the floor and laid on her side, clutching her stomach. The monster on the ground gasped as his supposed friends started kicking the human.

He got himself up and started nudging the taller one. "Quit it! Guys stop!"

"Get lost MK." The monster yelled, shoving the little monster to the side.

The purple rabbit lady behind the check out desk heard the ruckus and walked to the back of the store, yelling at the two boys to leave. They both smiled down at Frisk, still holding her stomach.

"Tell anyone," Monster 1 said. "Then your SOUL is gonna shatter." The monster punched Frisk in the eye, already leaving a mark.

The monsters walked out of the store, laughing and lightly punching each other.

The orange monster got himself off the ground and ran to the human's side.

"Yo, are you ok?" He asked, worried for the human.

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