Party Time!!!

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Thanks a million for 1k reads!!! My Sans × reader book also has 1k reads as well, so thanks a lot. I may not be updating a lot, since I'm making an adventurious Undertale fanfiction. I'll upload chapter one once this book is almost over, so look out for "After They Came to the Surface", by me!!!

Frisk woke up next to Sans and shot up, blushing like crazy. Sans was still asleep and Frisk had her head resting, IN. SANS'S. LAP! She was so embarrassed.

Frisk leaned forward and put her face in her hands, groaning. Why couldn't she just act NORMAL around Sans.

Frisk mumbled something into her hands and a certain skeleton leaned next to her.

"what was that?" He whispered into her ear, making Frisk scream and fall on the floor. Sans laughed.

"Not funny!" Frisk yelled at him. Sans was cracking up.

"sorry kid, i had to. i couldn't resist." Sans smiled some more and leaned over to help Frisk off the floor, but she yanked him down with her.

Big. Mistake.

Sans landed on top of Frisk, looking down into her eyes. They both blushed and looked off to the side, but Sans never got up.

"so," He started, looking back at Frisk. "what did you say earlier?"

Frisk was a dark crimson now, and still wasn't looking Sans in the face. If she told him what she said, she'd be embarrassed. But then again, he had already said what she kind of was hoping to hear from him.

"yeah, so i've had a crush on you for quite a while." He had said to her.

Frisk smiled and looked back up at Sans. "I said, 'why can't I tell Sans how I feel about him'." Sans got flustered and Frisk laughed.

"r-really?" Sans asked, unsure.

Frisk nodded and looked over to the right. "I've liked a lot about you. Your protective, your sweet, and you always know when to tickle my puny bone." She chuckled at her own pun, then looked back up at Sans. "I know you told me how you felt about me, but . . . I kind of doubt it. I mean, I'm a human. You've been in a war with my kind." Frisk looked back to the right. "You don't deserve someone like me."

Sans got a serious look and stood up, holding out a hand to help Frisk up, which she accepted. He pulled her into a surprise hug and held her there.

"i don't care if there was a war that trapped us monsters down here," Sans began, "you had nothing to do with it; let alone start it. i find that i do deserve someone as great as you, frisk."

Frisk looked up at Sans with a face that he thought was the cutest thing ever. Her cheeks were a light pink, her blue eyes were a little watery, and she was smiling a small smile.

"Really Sans?" She asked. "You seriously mean it?"

Sans leaned down and kissed Frisk. She immediately kissed back and wrapped her arms around his neck, while Sans's arms sneaked to her waist.

"i've never been more serious in my life kid." Sans said, once they pulled back. Frisk smiled and closed her eyes to kiss Sans once more, which he accepted.

They pulled apart and looked deeply into each others eyes. Frisk smiled and blushed and Sans kissed her cheek, then leaned over to her ear.

"i love you, frisk." He smiled.

Frisk giggled. "I love you too, Sans." She kissed his cheek.

Sans picked Frisk up and started spinning her for fun. They both laughed and Frisk wrapped her legs around Sans's waist, their foreheads now touching.

♡Below the Surface Love♡ {Sans x Frisk}Where stories live. Discover now