A Little Bit of Love

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600 reads!!! Guys, I feel tears I'm so happy!!!

To celebrate, there is what you all want in this chapter (GET THINE MIND OUT OF THINE GUTTERS!!!!!)

~ a month timeskip, brought to you by Asriel's Chaos Blaster ~

Frisk awoke on the couch today. She had gone on a little walk with the crutches and didn't return till late, so she plopped on the couch and slept.

When Frisk looked at the time, it was about noon, so she sat up on the couch and turned on the TV. There was a square robot on the TV, proclaiming his name was Mettaton. He kept running around, making poses and talking about himself, so Frisk changed the channel.

Still Mettaton.

She continued to channel flip, but all the channels had Mettaton on them, except for one channel that picked up human TV shows, so right now, Family Guy was playing and Frisk watched in silence.

Sans came downstairs soon after and when he saw Frisk, ran down the stairs and gave her a bear hug. Frisk was shocked and confused.

"What's up with you?" She asked, still stuck in the hug.

"i thought you died!" Sans replied, little tears coming from the sides of his eyes. Frisk felt so bad.

"W-Well you can call off the search party, he he." Frisk said, trying to lighten the mood.

"no, seriously frisk, i thought you were gone for good." Sans told her, looking into her eyes and speaking will all seriousness. Frisk sighed, sadly.

"I'm sorry Sans. I never had the time, so when I returned home, it was really late and I didn't want to wake you guys. I'm sorry." Frisk leaned over and hugged Sans, wrapping her arms around his neck and holding him there while he held Frisk closer, softly crying on her shoulder.

They pulled back, but still held onto each other, looking into each others eyes. Frisk's were starting to get a little watery, since she really hated worrying Sans's like that. Sans had calmed down, but smiled and wiped a tear from Frisk's face.

"what's up with you?" He asked. "why you crying?"

"I'm just," She pulled Sans closer to herself. "I-I'm sorry for making you w-worry."

"please," Sans said, leaning her back so he could look into her blue eyes. "if there were two people i would be glad to worry about, it would be paps, and you, frisk."

Frisk blushed, making Sans chuckle.

"i, um . . . can i tell you something, kid?" Sans asked.

"Y-Yeah. Always." Frisk said, smiling and still a little teary eyed.

Sans took a deep breath, letting the lump in his throat fade. Sans then leaned in and kissed Frisk on the lips, or just pressed his teeth against her lips, since he had no lips for a skeleton. Frisk was absolutely shocked, but quite happy. She kind of had a crush on the funny skeleton. After a few seconds, Frisk started to kiss back. Sans was happy he had made his move.

They pulled back, and Frisk was a dark crimson. Sans chuckled.

"yeah, so i've had a crush on you for quite a while." Sans began, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. "i was just so worried about telling you and if you would say you didn't like me back. i'm sorry-"

Frisk leaned back in and kissed Sans, shutting him up. Once they pulled back, Frisk talked this time.

"Your such a worry wort." She said giggling.

Sans smiled. "i'd rather worry about you than anyone else, frisk."

They let go of each other, smiling like goofballs. Then, there was a knock on the door. Sans opened it to see Alphys on the other side.

"hey al." Sans greeted.

"H-Hello Sans." She leaned in the doorway. "Hello to you t-too, Frisk."

"Hey Alphys! What are you doing here?"

"It should b-be about time for you c-cast to come off." Alphys said. Frisk grinned from ear to ear.

"Awesome!" Frisk replied, pumping her fists in the air.

Frisk turned to face the TV and outstretched her foot so Alphys could look at it. Alphys gently took it in her hand and looked at Frisk, but she didn't flinch. This was a good sign.

Alphys carefully took off the cast that she had put on Frisk about the beginning of last month. It was a dark blue that matched Sans's jacket shade of blue. Frisk didn't even notice that, until she came home from the lab and Sans was sitting on the couch, blushing. Frisk had asked what was wrong and he pointed to her cast.

"did you pick that color on purpose?" Sans had asked. "to match me?"

Frisk blushed, and was always a little embarrassed when she walked passed Sans. Frisk had always liked the color blue, so she wanted a blue cast, which she got.

Alphys finally removed the whole cast and looked at Frisk's foot. It was back to its normal color and when Alphys touched it, Frisk didn't flinch a muscle. Alphys smiled.

"A-Alright," she began. "You seem to be g-good, but we should run some exercises. F-First, try rotating your foot to the right."

Frisk did that and didn't feel any pain. "Alright, now t-to the left." The same reaction.

"G-great. Now try s-standing on it."

Alphys helped Frisk stand on her foot and nothing happened. She even walked in a circle and she felt no pain.

"W-Well everything is alright!" Alphys said happily. "B-But if it hurts a little, d-don't hesitate to call."

Alphys packed up her stuff and walked out the door, but stopped and turned back to them. "And merry e-early Christmas."

Alphys went outside and shut the door. Frisk smiled and jumped on Sans, him wrapping his arms around her and lifting her up to his face.

"I'm able to walk!" Frisk yelled. "I'm so happy!" Frisk then giggled.

Sans smiled. "i'm so happy for you."

Sans set Frisk on the floor and they kissed, nice and long. Frisk wrapped her arms around Sans's neck and he wrapped his arms around her waist.

They just stood like that for a little while and then pulled back, their noses and foreheads touching. Frisk smiled and blushed a light pink, while closing her eyes. Sans smiled as well. Neither one could be more happier.

Frisk then gasped. "Wait, what did Alphys say?!" She asked Sans.

"uh, merry early christmas? i think." Sans said, thinking.

"Geez!" Frisk said, letting Sans go and grabbing one of his jackets from the side of the couch. "We need to start decorating! I never knew I had been in the Underground for two months!"

She turned back to Sans, who was a little shocked by the change of pace. Frisk smiled and walked over and kissed his cheek. "I'll be back, I swear."

"alright, call if somethings up." Sans said, pulling her into a hug while kissing the to of Frisk's head. "i love you."

Sans then pulled back from the hug and covered his mouth with both hands, his face a dark blue. Frisk blushed a little, but smiled and kissed his forehead. "I love you too Sans."

She then ran outside, flustered that she said that, but she really loved Sans. Sans was in the living room, smiling like a goofball. He looked around and remembered that Papyrus was off at Undyne's place for the week. He chuckled.

"i wonder what they're up to."

♡Below the Surface Love♡ {Sans x Frisk}Where stories live. Discover now