Bad Morning, Good Afternoon

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Frisk woke up feeling warm arms wrapped around her waist. She turned to her left to see a sleeping Sans almost right against her face; noses almost touching. She almost screamed from being frightened, but stopped herself when she saw Sans was still sleeping.

Sans was quite adorable as he slept and Frisk smiled, until she got a closer look at his face. His cheeks and forehead were a half dark blue. His mouth was open as well, breathing a little scratchy.

Frisk gently put a hand on his forehead then his cheeks, feeling a lot of warmth. She sighed. He must've gotten sick, giving me his jacket, Frisk thought. Then, something else came to her mind.

Can a skeleton actually get sick? They don't have an immune system or lungs . . . or do they?

Frisk tried to sit up, but remembered the pair of boney arms around her. She tried to pull them apart, but woke up Sans. His eyes flickered open and he looked at her.

"hey kid." Sans said. His voice was very low and scratchy. "mornin' how did you sleep?"

"Sans," Frisk said back. "You sound sick. Do you feel alright?"

"uh, yeah i guess. got a headache and my throat hurts."

"Your probably getting sick Sans. You need some medicine."

"we don't have any."

Frisk sat up. "You don't own any medicine?!" She said, suprised. "Have you guys ever gotten sick?"

"well yeah, but one of us goes to alphys's lab to get some meds."

"Then I'll go. You don't need to get up and get more sick."

Frisk went to stand up and walk out the bedroom door, but Sans was holding her by her waist. Frisk looked back at Sans.

"you can't walk, remember?"

Frisk sighed. "Oh yeah."

Then Frisk got an idea. "Why not let Papyrus go with me?"

"i don't know . . ."

"PAPYRUS!" Frisk yelled, as Sans covered his ears, feeling his headache worsen. Frisk turned and gave him a hug of apology and Sans accepted it.

Papyrus came into the room when both Frisk and Sans stopped hugging. "WHAT IS WRONG FRISK?!" Papyrus asked worried.

"We need to go to Dr. Alphys's lab and get Sans some medicine. He isn't feeling good." Frisk explained.

"i'll be fine." Sans started to sit up, but Frisk pushed him back down and covered him in the covers.

"You need to rest, alright? Papyrus and I will be back in no time, ok?"

Sans sighed. "fine, but don't be to long. if i am getting sick, i don't need added stress of knowing you aren't ok."

Frisk blushed at Sans's words and Sans smiled at her reaction.

"may as well get going. hotland is pretty far from here."

Frisk leaned down and gave Sans a goodbye hug. He was suprised, but hugged back anyways.

Frisk pulled away and Papyrus turned his back to her and bent over. "HOP ON MY BACK HUMAN!"

Frisk smiled and stood on the bed and balanced well on one foot, while that scared the crap out of Sans. Frisk got on Papyrus's back while he held under her legs, so she didn't fall. Sans relaxed.

"don't take forever." Sans said.

"I won't, mother." I replied.

Sans then imitated a female voice, even though it made his throat hurt a lot. "don't hang out with any boys i don't know, alright sweety?"

♡Below the Surface Love♡ {Sans x Frisk}Where stories live. Discover now