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Frisk was still being dragged by Mettaton until they arrived at a sort of backstage looking area. There were some walls that looked fake and quite a bit of pink.

Mettaton stopped, since he was pulled over by a monster in a head set. the monster said something to Mettaton, who then looked worried. He let go of Frisk and turned to her.

"I'm so sorry darling," He started. "but I have to check something out. You may look around, just don't go to far."

Frisk smiled and nodded. "Sure."

Mettaton smiled down at Frisk then left in a hurry. Frisk was wondering what was making Mettaton so worried, but she thought it wasn't her business to know, so she walked over and sat on a pink couch nearby.

Frisk sat there for about 20 minutes and was starting to get sleepy, but Mettaton was coming back. Frisk could see him in the distance. She smiled, but the got confused when she saw his expression. Mettaton looked really mad. Like REALLY mad. Like he could tear apart a punching bag with his bare hands, and STILL be mad.

Mettaton stopped over and picked up Frisk under his arm, like in a movie when a security guard was throwing someone out.

Frisk was even more confused. "Metta-" She began, but was cut off by the robot himself.

He set Frisk down in front of the entrance to the resort. Frisk turned to look at Mettaton, who was super frustrated still for reasons unknown.

"Get out." He said with his right hand on his temples and his left hand supporting his right elbow. Mettaton didn't look at Frisk.

Frisk didn't move. She was so confused and wanted to help Mettaton, but he lowered his hand and looked straight at Frisk, annoyed.

"Leave already!" Mettaton yelled. "I have things to do, ya know!?"

Frisk teared up at her friend's actions toward her, but she followed his command and opened the door to leave and go back to Snowdin.

Mettaton looked back at Frisk and immediately felt guilt from hurting such an innocent human girl.

He was going to apologize, but Frisk was running off. Mettaton held his face I his hands. "What have I done to her?" He whispered to himself, and headed back to set to settle the problem that had gotten him worked up in the first place.

Frisk was about halfway through Hotland when she was bored again. She decided to call Alphys and see if she wanted to watch that one anime she was talking to Frisk about the day before, Mew Mew Kissy Cutie.

The phone picked up after the second ring, but Frisk could hear soft laughter in the background. It sounded high pitched, like a female's, but Frisk could barley tell who it belonged to, since it only lasted about a second. She wasn't even sure if thats what she even heard. Frisk didn't speak into the phone at all, for some reason.

Frisk heard a voice that sounded like Alphys yelling. She couldn't tell what Alphys was saying, but she sounded about as agitated as Mettaton was earlier.

"GET OUT OF MY ---! JUST LEAVE! URG, I HATE YOU SO MUCH!" Frisk couldn't hear one of the words, but she was hurt by those words anyways. She felt they were all meant towards her, and it made her tear up again. Frisk hung up and sighed.

Frisk also remembered that Undyne's house was a spot she was able to go to to hang out. Papyrus was supposed to be there as well, so maybe they could all cook some spaghetti or do something else.

Frisk ran with a smile all the way to the Waterfall and finally arrived at Undyne's house, out of breath. Frisk decided she wanted to suprise both Undyne and Papyrus with this visit, so she stayed quiet.

♡Below the Surface Love♡ {Sans x Frisk}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon