Joining Forces for the Worst

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Frisk felt as if she was getting pulled out of her own body, which she let happen. The blinding flash faded and Frisk looked down at herself. She looked . . . ghostly. Like, what Chara looked like before . . . .

Frisk looked up and saw her own body in front of her. It was moving on its own, like someone else was controlling it. The arms and fingers stretched themselves, followed by the legs. Frisk was so confused until her body opened its eyes.

They were crimson red.

It worked, Chara was in control, and she looked like she wanted to stab something.

"Geez!" Chara said through Frisk's body, without her normal echo in her voice. "Finally, I have a body again! It took so long!"

"What are saying?" Frisk said. Now she had the echo. "What's going on?"

"I took full control of your SOUL. Now it's mine, and I can kill all these useless monsters!" Chara laughed meniaclly. "They failed me once, they'll fail me again if I make them start another war."

"WHAT!?" Frisk yelled. "YOU started the war with monsters and humans?!"

"Yeah, of course I did." Chara turned to look at the ghostly Frisk, who was standing right in front of Chara's face.

"Humanity sucks." Chara began. "They hate me, and I hate them ×10 more. So, what other way to wipe them out then start a war with the people they trusted best . . . well, monsters they trusted best.

"I met a family of monsters when they were still above ground. It was actually the royal family. The ones who controlled all the monsters, which was even better!

"I became close friends with the king and queen's son, Asriel. He thought everything was just great." Chara laughed. "Oh how wrong he was!

"I gave myself food poisoning and purposely killed myself. I told Asriel that my last wish was for my body to be lain in a patch of golden flowers that was in the center of my village, and he took the bait!

"When I died, Asriel absorbed my SOUL and took my body to the village and laid it there. The humans that lived there thought Asriel killed me, so, what else do they do then attack him. Asriel didn't fight back (which disappointed me) and he left, with a freaking SMILE on his face! Who does that?!

"Anyways, he barley made it home to be turned to dust in a bunch of flowers, like my body was resting on at that moment. The king and queen were heartbroken. So heartbroken in fact, since they lost two kids in one day, that they started war with the humans.

"But they LOST!" Chara kicked at a side table with a lamp on it, smashing it to the floor. "They failed me! All of them!

"I tried to get the other 6 humans to kill all the monsters so I could kill himanity, but from them being softies, they acted like pacifists towards the monsters and got themselves killed to the king.

"Then you came along, Frisk. I followed you from the beginning and you took a different path from the other kids. You planed to stay with Toriel longer. You met Sans at the Ruins door. You ran away from Papyrus and almost killed yourself. Undyne, just about the same outcomes as the others, but Alphys helped you with your foot.

"Your different." Chara explained. "Your more special to everyone. Which means . . . .

"You'll feel even worse when I kill all your friends!" Chara laughed once more and Frisk began to worry.

What have I done? She asked herself. I let a killer take over my body, and now she's going to kill all my friends!

"Well, before I do," Chara began. "I need to up your LV. I mean seriously! LV 1? You never even touched a monsters! There was no way you were going to kill all your friends."

Chara walked out of the living room and started running towards Ruins door, without even stopping to take a rest. It was like she had an unlimited amount of energy stored inside her SOUL.

Frisk's spirit form was forced to follow, like there was a string attaching her spirit to her bodu, which kind of made sense to Frisk.

They finally arrived at the Ruins door and Chara tried to tug it open, but with no luck.

"The old hag must've locked it from the other side." Chara turned to Frisk. "I'm suprised that she didn't leave it unlocked for you to come back. I mean, you DID run away from her home to meet some skeleton you never even met in real life. You just heard his voice and thought he was trustworthy." Chara laughed. "Pathetic."

Frisk blushed, even being a spirit she can still show emotions through her face. "You, you were there for that?"

"Of course." Chara said, matter-of-factly. "I've followed you in silence ever since you first fell down here."

Chara sighed. "Oh well. Let's just kill the monsters here."

"NO!" Frisk yelled, making sure she could distract Chara so that way she could find a way to take her body back.

"What?" Chara said with a confused look and an annoyed smile plastered on her face.

"I said no!" Frisk repeated with the same amount of bravery as she did the first time. "I won't let you kill my friends!"

"I thought that's what you wanted." Chara replied, walking back to Snowdin. "For your friends to die."

"That was BEFORE I knew you were lying to my face!" Frisk took a deep breath. "I TAKE IT-"

"SHUT UP!" Chara yelled, looking Frisk in the eyes since they were back at the Ruins door. "DON'T SAY THOSE WORDS!"

"What?" Frisk mimicked Chara from earlier, but without the same facial expressions.

"You just . . . ." Chara groaned from agitation and put her right hand on her temples. "Don't . . . don't say that EVER again, or I will just straight up kill your friends."

"Let's just, go back to Sans and Pap's place, please?" Frisk asked with her right hand on her left arm.

Chara groaned once more. "Fine, as long as you shut up." They started back for Snowdin while Frisk was lost in her thoughts.

Frisk had a plan, and it would be set into motion as soon as they returned to the place she called home.


Chara's getting uneasy. How will Frisk take this???

Sorry that it's shorter than usual, and I hate to say this, but this book is almost over, as I think most of you know. Thanks for reading about this amazing journey that I made Frisk go through.

*Frisk appears* "Yeah, it sucks. Chara's a jerk face."

*Chara appears* "I can still take control of both of your SOULS, plus RESET your lives."

*Author-chan and Frisk look scared* *Author-chan back away slowly* Chill girl, we all friends here.

♡Below the Surface Love♡ {Sans x Frisk}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora