A Door to a New Friend

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The girl awoke from her nap, her voice not as sore now, but she remembered Toriel's warning of not to talk for a while until her voice had fully healed. There was a clock hanging over near a tall dresser and the girl looked at the time, which was about 11 o'clock.

She walked out of her room and down the hallway to the living room. She then smelled something from the next room over and went to go look. The girl found Toriel sitting in a big chair reading a book while wearing glasses. Toriel heard the floor creak and looked at the girl and smile at her.

"Hello my child," she said, "how did you sleep?"

"Good," the girl attempted, and her voice sounded a lot better now than earlier.

"I see your able to speak now."

"Yeah. I think my voice just broke for a little or something. It still hurts to talk though, but I'll manage."

Toriel got up. "I shall get you tea-it should be ready now. If you like, there are some clothes in the room you slept in, so you may change."

"Ok, I'll be in my room for a little," the girl responded. She made her way to her room while Toriel started to pour a cup of tea.

The girl went to the dresser and looked inside to find some clothes to change into. There was only the same sweater in multiple pairs. They were all blue with two purple stripes on the arms and stomach. She slipped off her shirt and put on the sweater, which fit perfectly, except being slightly big on the arms, so they went past her hands. There were multiple pairs of jean shorts as well, so she put on a pair of those as well. They only went halfway to her thighs. The girl opened the door and went back to where Toriel was stirring the girl's cup of tea and honey. She sat down at a table and sipped the tea.

[the girl takes a sip of honey tea which begins to heal throat]

the girl felt immediately better and started to talk to Toriel, her voice almost sounding the same as normal.

"Toriel," she started, making Toriel look at her. "There's . . . something I wanted to ask you." She took another sip.

"You may ask me anything, my child." Toriel responded.

"When you asked me to walk down that hallway a while back, I tried to think of things about me, but all that came up was the name Asriel." She looked up into Toriel's eyes, but Toriel looked absolutely shocked. "Do you know anything about that name?"

Toriel shook her head, "N-no I don't," Toriel stuttered.

How does she know his name? Toriel asked herself.

The girl nodded, "Ok, I was just wondering."

Toriel then remembered something. "I forgot, I have to go check to see if any more humans have fallen to the Underground. Please stay here, cause it may be a little while till I return. Is that alright?" The girl nodded. "Wonderful! Now, I must go."

The girl waved to Toriel as she left to check the Underground once again.

The girl finally noticed the set of stairs in the back of the living room. She tilted her head and gripped the teacup she was still holding.

Toriel never said I couldn't go downstairs, she thought, and headed down the stairs.

She walked down a winding path to a giant door at the end of another hallway. It was triple the size of her short body and the girl stepped towards it. She touched it and felt that it was sort of cold. The girl had no idea where it lead, and was now getting curious to where it led. She then turned around, ready to leave cause it was only a door, when she heard a knock, then a deep male voice.

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