Meeting the Royal Fish

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Frisk woke up early, actually earlier than both the skeletons. She got off the couch, moving the newly placed blanket off her body. She only remembered laying on the couch after she came back to the skelebros home. She must've fell asleep.

Frisk moved to the kitchen to see if there was any food, but remembered that Sans said Papyrus wasn't the best cook. She came up with an idea to make some cookies. Frisk wasn't sure where the recipe came from, since she neither cooked nor watched someone cook. She shrugged and went to get the ingredients.

Frisk searched and searched, but couldn't find anything she needed. She sighed and went to sit on the couch. She saw a clock above the TV and looked to see it was about 3 in the morning. She was shocked, but decided to head out. Frisk didn't want to be a burden to the brothers.

She went to the kitchen and got a pen and paper and wrote a letter for the brothers for when they woke up.

Dear Sans and Papyrus,

I'm sorry, but I'm going to leave. I hate to be a burden and waist your food, electricity and time. You both still have my number and I will be glad to answer the phone.

I also have to say that I should head back to the surface. My . . . friends, are probably looking for me, and I don't know how long Underground time is compared to surface time.

So sorry, and please don't worry,

Frisk nodded approvingly at her own handwriting, since most of the time it was illegible, even for a 13 year old girl (That is her age in this fic, if you were wondering).

Frisk sighed and set the letter on the couch and slipped off Sans's jacket she hadn't taken off in a while.

She frowned and walked out the door, feeling a little sad for leaving them, but she could always call them.

Frisk started walking to the left this time and started walking in a cave of sorts. Water was rushing everywhere and it was quite peaceful.

She walked a lot more and found a lot of tall grass. She looked to her left and saw a sort of ledge. She started to wonder how to get up there, but pushed it our of her mind.

Frisk started walking in the grass and soon stopped, hearing fast and heavy footsteps on the ledge above. She was barley able to see over the blades of the top of the grass. She saw . . . .


She ducked a little and he lucky didn't see her. He walked over to where the light shining from the previous room stopped and left the rest of the upper level dark. There seemed to be a figure there, now that Frisk was getting a better look at things.

It was a tall figure, but as tall as Papyrus. They were wearing pitch black armor as well. The right eye hole was a little yellow dot, while the left one was black.

"HELLO UNDYNE." Papyrus said to the armored monster. "I'M HERE FOR MY DAILY REPORT."

"Good." The monster said, sounding like a tough female. "So, where's the human?"


"ESCAPED?!?" The monster named Undyne yelled. "What do you mean?"


Papyrus remembered waking up to go down and see how Frisk was doing, but instead found one of Sans's many jackets and a letter.

♡Below the Surface Love♡ {Sans x Frisk}Where stories live. Discover now