Dance Lessons?

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Frisk woke up on the couch, her head pounding, but she was able to go to the kitchen and see the kitchen table broke in half. Frisk leaned on the doorframe and looked at Sans, who was just standing in the kitchen.

"Sans?" She asked, still tired and from her head hurting. "Where is everyone? What time did I go to sleep last night?" Frisk pointed to the now broken kitchen table. "and why is the table split in half."

Sans walked over and hugged Frisk. "is something wrong?" He asked.

"Why?" Frisk asked back, burying her face into Sans's jacket.

"you look like your hurting."

"Headache. Bad one, too."

Sans sighed. "you poor thing. i'd like to help, what's wrong?"

"Head's pounding, dizzy, I feel warm. Pretty much like I'm getting sick.

"So what happened to the table, anyways?" Frisk asked, changing the subject.

"oh, it was pretty funny," Sans began.

"so undyne and pap both drank a crap load of pop (since mettaton ran to the store to get some) and they got hyper. they started wrestling for fun and undyne ended up body slamming papyrus into the table, splitting it in half."

Frisk pulled her face out of Sans's jacket to laugh at what happened. She wishes she could be awake for that.

She then got a closer look at the broken table. There looked to be a small pile of dust, kind of splattered on the floor, like when you cut yourself and the blood drips to the floor.

Frisk felt her head and eye start to twitch for some reason. Like she was . . . happy that someone had spilled their dust. Frisk knew that monsters produce dust instead of blood when they get hurt or killed.

Frisk shook her head an looked up and Sans instead. He saw her head twitch, but didn't ask about it, thinking it was from her possibly getting sick.

Sans picked Frisk up bridal style and carried her to the couch, laying her down. He walked back upstairs and got some blankets and pillows for Frisk. Sans came back down and wrapped Frisk in the blanket and placed the pillow under her head. Frisk smiled up and him and Sans sat next to Frisk.

"W-What was that little bit of dust from?" Frisk asked, now that the little bit of dust couldn't get out of her head.

"oh," Sans said, remembering the dust from the wrestling. "pap got a little scratch from getting body slammed, and undyne had to patch it up. that's when everyone went home. you fell asleep around . . . 10? maybe? i can't really remember. you just fell asleep in my arms."

Frisk smiled a small smile, then turned to look at the couch cushion instead of Sans.

"I'm gonna try and sleep this thing off, ok?" She told Sans, still looking at the cushion. Sans nodded.

"alright. hope you get better soon, sweetheart." Sans softly stroked Frisk's hair and kissed her forehead. Frisk blushed a little at the new nickname Sans gave her, but she didn't care.

She started thinking to herself. Why did I act like that? Frisk asked herself, referring to when she saw the dust. It was just an accident, but I seemed . . . happy. Happy that Papyrus got hurt. Why?

"That would be me." a voice responded to Frisk's thoughts.

Who are you?! And how are you in my head?!

"Oh hush, you'll get used to it Frisk. And don't ask me how I know your name, I just do. Since this is YOUR mind, after all."

But who are you? Like, what's your name?

"That's not important."

Did you make me feel that way?

"What way?" The girl asked, acting innocent when she knew she wasn't.

When I felt happy when I saw that little bit of dust. Was it you?

"Well . . . I'm not quite sure, actually. I just saw the dust through your eyes and got happy that some stupid monster got hurt. I was hoping they got killed and there was more somewhere, but the trashbag said that his little bro is still fine. URG! I just wanna kill them both!"

WHAT?! Why?!

"That's none of your business right now. I might tell you later, if your lucky.

"I'm gonna go. You may start feeling sick when I start talking to you again. Your small body isn't used to having another being inside it, but it will soon."

WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT! The girl didn't respond this time, and Frisk immediately started feeling better.

Frisk sat up and looked around. Sans wasn't next to her, so she guessed he was in his room. Frisk got up and headed to his room to see if he wanted to watch some TV or something. She lightly knocked, but all she could hear was soft snoring. Frisk giggled at this, realizing that Sans fell asleep.

Frisk ran back downstairs and jumped on the couch. She decided to call some of her friends.

She rang up Mettaton first, since he gave Frisk his number at the party last night. Someone picked up, but it wasn't Mettaton. It sounded like a really annoyed male.

"Can I help you?" He said, sounding like he was clenching his teeth.

"Yeah, I'm calling for Mettaton?" Frisk said, confused by this. "It's his friend, Frisk."

"Hang on." The boy called off the line. 'It's someone named Frisk'. She then heard the sound of someone running in heels, and knew it was Mettaton.

"Hello darling!~" Mettaton greeted into the phone.

"Hey Mettaton. What's up?"

"Well, we're still trying to get ready for tonight's show, but the main act quit." Mettaton groaned on the other side of the phone. "We haven't found a replacement yet."

He then remembered something. "Why don't you join us!" He said, sounding happy at his own idea. "Your a very good dancer!"

"Uh . . . m-me?" Frisk stuttered. She never danced in front of a lot of people, and she even thought nobody was watching her last night when Alphys gave her that dare, but they all were. "I've n-never danced in front of a love audience."

"You'll be just fine! I'll even dance with you!"

Frisk smiled. She liked the idea of having a partner, instead of just by herself.

"Ok, I will." Frisk heard Mettaton squeal on the other line and yell something to someone else off the line. She laughed and waited for Mettaton to come back. "Do you want me to head over now to practice?"

"Yes, that would be lovely! Do you know where Hotland is?"

"Um . . . I think it's on the other side of the Waterfall."

"It is. You'll see a big lab, and if you go inside, ask Alphys for the directions to MTT Resort."

"Ok, I will. I just need to tell Sans."

"See you later darling!~" Mettaton sounded happier than ever when he hung up.

Frisk headed to the kitchen, making sure to not look at the table and the dust. She grabbed a pen and paper and wrote that she was heading to Hotland to hang with Mettaton. Frisk has learned that she should tell Sans where she's going, since the last time she didn't, Sans thought she died.

Frisk set the note on the couch and walked out the from door, heading to Hotland.

~ Timeskip cause we all know the way to Hotland, and Author-chan can't think of interesting things to happen ~

Frisk finally arrived in front of MTT Resort and looked up at the tall building. She noticed that it belonged to Mettaton, since the building was purple, a little pink and some black. The dead give away was the neon lights in the shape of Mettaton.

Frisk walked in and was pulled over to the side by none other than the Mettaton himself.

"Come darling!~" He said. "Let's dance!~"

♡Below the Surface Love♡ {Sans x Frisk}Where stories live. Discover now