Hard Work and Heartbreak

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Jimin POV

I stumbled out of the training room dripping with sweat, too weary from dance practice to even stand up straight. I had always been one to put everything into my practice because I truly believed that practice makes perfect, and that's what I aim for, perfection. I can be nothing less than that for him. Everything I put my body through, the torturous training, the long and hard hours that my job entailed, I did it all for him, just so he would finally notice me.

As I grabbed my water bottle from the bench outside the practice room door I just couldn't help but stare. Jung Kook continued to practice the choreography in front of the mirror whilst all the other members were laughing and joking about, and as per usual Yoongi looked half asleep listening to music in the corner.

Jung Kook was the only other member I felt had the same drive and determination to be the best as I did, that's the reason I liked him so much, that and everything else of course. We both believed in 'practice makes perfect' and every time I danced I repeated that mantra in my head for him, so I just couldn't help but wonder whether he was doing the same for me.

Since day one when we had met for the first time I just knew Kookie was the one for me and in my opinion, I'm not usually one to get things wrong...

Suga POV

Aish Jimin was staring at the maknae again. He always gets things wrong, I think I'm the only one who has noticed Jimin's little crush so far but if he doesn't stop doing this he is going to get busted by the other members soon enough.

I had the sudden urge to go over to him and just slap some sense into him but there was something buried deep in my gut telling me that I could never harm Jimin in any way, as much as I disliked him right now.

Suddenly he glanced over at me and I quickly put my head down and pretended to be half asleep again to avoid him catching me staring. Wouldn't want him to get the wrong idea now would we...

A/N~Hah but is it the wrong idea though Yoongi? ;)

Jung Kook POV

Every fibre of my being ached with fatigue as I continued to push myself to the limit with my dancing. Practice makes perfect, practice makes perfect, practice makes perfect. I repeated my mantra in my head over and over again so I was able to push on through the pain barrier.

Every time I danced I repeated my mantra in my head for someone special. In fact it was someone standing in this very training room right now.

My eyes subconsciously flicked over to him in the reflection in the mirror I was dancing in front of, his head tipped back as he drank from his water bottle. I could see the water making its way down his milky white throat as his adams apple bobbed up and down.

Suddenly his head snapped back up to meet my eyes in the reflection and I quickly looked away, my cheeks flushed pink with the embarrassment of having been caught staring... again.


I tipped my head back and took a big gulp of water from my water bottle before looking back up only for my eyes to meet the gaze of Jung Kook in the reflection of the dance mirror. It was strange because it was the third time I had caught him staring at me today and I had no clue why, was there something particularly odd about me today? I had a special affection for Jung Kook so I decided to just let it slide, unless it happened again in which case I would confront him about it.

Once again I glanced over at the person I had been crushing on for ages, J Hope. He looked so perfect wearing his black shorts and t shirt and that adorable snap back that had his name on that I gave him for his last birthday. That was around the time I had begun to have feelings for him so I decided to put a lot of heart into my present, and it seems like it paid off as he has been wearing it pretty much nonstop since I got it for him.

My heart broke a little though when I saw that yet again he seemed to be engaged in a deep flirtation session with our oldest member Jin. Pretty much since our last comeback a few months ago he has been all over Jin, complimenting him and hugging him etc etc. it was actually kind of weird that Jin didn't mind it and seemed to be reciprocating it like today, because he considers all of us to be his children, after all his is Eomma Jin. Could this be considered almost incest without technically being incest then... Anyway! I was determined that one way or another I was going to get the guy I wanted...

A/N~Little does V know that person is not who he thinks it is hehe...


I sighed internally as J Hope began laughing loudly and clinging onto me again, showering me with compliments like he has been doing for the past few months or so. I only played along as a feeble attempt to get my crush to notice me and to make him jealous...

I glanced over at him but my heart sank because as expected he was staring at Suga again, who was currently staring at Jimin, which probably explained the stormy expression on Nam Joon's face.

I had been practically in love with Rap Monster ever since I first met him a couple of years ago, and we had always been close but only in a platonic way. Recently though he has begun to isolate himself from everyone, including me, because his suspected crush couldn't stop staring at Jimin.

Whether Rap Monster's crush Suga was actually willing to admit it or not he was definitely in love with Jimin, and obviously Nam Joon wasn't happy about it.

Once I realised the jealousy tactic clearly wasn't going to work I got up quickly, leaving a disappointed J Hope behind, and gathered my stuff to head back to the dorm.

A/N~yay so the first chapter of my new fanfic is complete hurray! Sorry if this storyline gets a bit confusing because it switches POVs a lot and God there are so many sides to this love polygon! Anyway I would like to dedicate this chapter to dalolLYpop for being so sweet and for listening to me ramble on about BTS and Yoongi here on wattpad :) Also to bextheawesomewizard and off_on_a_tangent for being my best friends outside of wattpad and for putting up with me when I have no chill (always) :) Saranghae, hwaiting!

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