Actions Speak Louder than Words

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Jung Kook in the photo above is my literal reaction to YoonMin ngl, just thought I would point that out.

Jimin POV

"Jimin I don't think you should leave, the fans all love you, the boys all love you and although this is going to sound hella cheesy, I love you. I love having you on this team, and just because maybe Jung Kook didn't love you in that way doesn't mean you can't start a fresh and move on... maybe with someone else in Bangtan." PD Nim muttered the last part, maybe hoping I didn't hear, I wonder who he meant?

I was in tears by this point, that was possibly the nicest thing anyone had ever said to me. The only thing was, I didn't believe a word of it.

My voice came out cracked and croaky "thank you PD Nim but I'm sorry, I have made my decision." I looked down at the ground and I heard the manager sigh and ruffle some papers. He slid a piece of paper over to me on the desk and placed a pen on top. "Jimin you understand that once you sign this paper there is no going back, you can never return to these dorms or have any interaction with Bangtan again" he said softly and I nodded, drawing my breath in slightly.

This was a big move, but it's what I had to do. I picked up the pen and the manager pointed to the line where I needed to put my signature.

Drawing in one last breath I hovered my pen over the line and finally pressed the ballpoint tip to the crisp paper. I was about to move my hand to start the swirling letters of my signature when I suddenly felt a warm hand grasp mine and the pen fall loose from my grip.

I whipped my head around only to pulled into a tight hug before I could see who it was. But I already knew. It was the same grassy, musky smell that had overcome me last time Yoongi pulled me in for a hug.

Once I had gotten over my shock I let the tears drip down my cheeks and I pulled him closer, inhaling his scent and letting it surround my entire being. He started making shushing noises to comfort me and played with my hair between his fingers.

"Jimin I'm so sorry" he whispered over and over again in my ear, making me cry even harder. "What on earth are you sorry for Hyung?" I asked in surprise and once he heard my words he pulled back and looked me straight in the eye, suddenly very serious.

"For not doing this earlier" he said and before I had time to register what was happening he engulfed my lips in his own, locking us into a passionate kiss. I felt his hands at my waist as I tilted my head to the side and allowed him access.

Our tongues brushed against each other and he cupped my cheeks with his hands, my arms around his neck and my hands in his hair. We continued for as long as we could before pulling back for air. We rested our foreheads together and I shut my eyes and licked my lips, feeling his sweet breath against my face making my eyelids flutter in pure ecstasy. "Wow" he muttered quietly, his eyes still closed and I brushed his cheek in response making him open his eyes.

I gazed lovingly into his eyes and he gazed right back, making me feel as though I had just won the lottery. Which I practically had because there is less than one in a billion chance that anyone will ever find anyone as amazing and beautiful as Yoongi is.

Suddenly we heard a small cough from behind us and my cheeks flushed bright pink as I realised that PD Nim was still sitting there and had witnessed the whole thing. He seemed as flushed as both Yoongi and I were and he simply said "I guess you will be staying then Jimin" before quickly excusing himself from his own office.


My inner fanboy was absolutely screaming by this point, I had always shipped YoonMin and suspected they had feelings for each other but this?! Right in front of me in my own office! It was like a dream come true! That was literally the cutest thing I have ever seen. I was too afraid that they might catch on that I had been routing for them all along if I stayed any longer so I simply excused myself FROM MY OWN OFFICE. Nice one PD, nice one.

A/N~ Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this bit of YoonMin! They are like one of my favourite ships in BTS they are so freaking cute and originally this ff was meant to be mainly YoonMin so I hope you guys thought I did it justice. Get ready for more NamJin/VKook/YoonMin after this chapter! I would like to dedicate this chapter to my fellow YoonMin shipper the amazing dalolLYpop who I love talking to! Thanks for reading guys!

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