Anger and Arrivals

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J Hope POV

I couldn't believe what was happening in front of my eyes, how had I not noticed this?! For months I thought Jin had been flirting back with me but now it seems evident he didn't mean any of it as he stood there with Rap Monster pushed back against the wall, eating his face off.

I watched the scene play out in front of me for several more minutes until I couldn't take any more and I sloped back off to my own room to plan something a bit special for the two of them to, let's just say, help them bond...



The day was dawning and I woke up with a yawn only to find myself wrapped up in Nam Joon's arms, lying on his bed.

I smiled to myself as I recalled what had happened last night, I had asked Rap Monster out and he had said yes, after that we cuddled and talked for a bit before falling asleep in each other's arms... everything really was perfect as if in a dream.

I shook Rap Monster gently to wake him up and he gave me a good morning kiss. "Ewww morning breath" I joked and we both giggled before getting up to get ready for another full day of practice.


J Hope POV

"Hey Jin" I forced a sweet smile onto my face and approached Jin to begin putting my plan into motion. "Oh hey J Hope!" he replied brightly, god he really was in a good mood today, stupid Rap Monster it should be me that is causing him to smile like that.

"I was just going to say that with the comeback coming up and all if you feel like you need some extra practice, tonight would be the night to get some in because our schedules are pretty full up after today" I said helpfully, crossing my fingers behind my back that they would take the bait.

And what with them being the 'can't dance line' and all, thankfully they did, hook, line and sinker. "Oh yeah that's actually a great point J Hope, thanks! We will do just that!" replied Rap Monster and I chuckled to myself inwardly. "Well I think all of us are heading back to the dorm now so don't forget to lock up on your way out!" I called back cheerfully whilst walking away, fondling the pairs of keys I had nicked from the coat pockets of Jin and Rap Monster.

You see Jin is afraid of the dark, he thinks nobody knows but having been in love with him for so long, I know these things. Now all I had to do was lock them in here together overnight, just to give them a little, you know, scare...

I chuckled to myself under my breath as I prepared to lock the door behind me leaving Jin and Nam Joon inside, only to feel a solid hand come down on my shoulder.

I looked up in surprise only to be met with possibly one of the most attractive people I have ever laid eyes upon in my life. He was tall, slim and wore tight black skinny jeans and a distressed t shirt with short sleeves that showed off his well-toned and muscly arms. He had brown hair, like Jin's, which was messy and came down to just above his eyes on the fringe.

Speaking of his eyes, they were a deep aqua-marine blue/green colour with flecks of gold in and were framed by thick, long, black eyelashes that cast shadows upon his cheeks when he looked down upon me as I was much smaller than him. His lips looked as soft as pillows and were the pinky colour of my currently blushing cheeks.

Once I was done drinking him in with my eyes I asked "who are you?" "I am Jay one of your new choreographers/ dance instructors, I was sent to say hello to you guys and when I approached the door I thought I had missed you all and you had gone back to the dorms. But then as I got closer I heard voices inside, and then you came out chuckling menacingly, getting ready to lock the door. But in fact I still hear voices inside which leads me to questions, one, why are you locking the door when there are still people inside? Two, why do you have three sets of keys in your hands? And finally why were you chuckling menacingly, and does it have to do with my other two questions?" he said and I was momentarily shocked into silence.

I could barely concentrate on what he had actually said because his voice, goddamn his voice, it was the sexiest thing on this planet I swear to God.

All I had picked up from that lecture was that I was busted which was BAD, so I didn't reply. After a few moments of silence he said "ok I tell you what, I will take you out for dinner and you can explain everything then." I felt like I was going to burst from excitement, my luck! Maybe I didn't mind being busted after all...

A/N~ so finally J Hope may be seeing some romantic action yay! Ngl I based the name Jay off Jay Park sorry but I'm so not sorry :) Also I know J Hope is our hope he is our angel he is J Hope, and not a revenge thirsty devil so I'm sorry for painting him in a bad light, I do love him and he would never do anything like this irl. This is dedicated to dalolLYpop off_on_a_tangent and bextheawesomewizard AGAIN because these are like the only ones that will listen to me waffle about Yoongi, so thanks guys! Also to somebody who I recently found on wattpad whose writing is amazing and who I wanted to update this for, Yixingluv :)

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