Suga and Spice

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Jimin POV

Once I had stumbled blindly toward the rapper's workroom door and rapped on it as hard as I could, making my knuckles throb, it was opened by a rather peeved off looking Yoongi.

He stared at me unmoving before simply asking "what do you want Jimin" in a cold and uncaring voice. I was confused, last night he seemed genuinely concerned for me when I had come in upset, but now that I had sought him out for comfort he would simply turn me away?

"I... I just thought... That you might-" suddenly Yoongi cut me off "that I might what Jimin?! Console you?! Be your shoulder to cry on?! Man up! So what someone rejected you, I'm not going to stand here and drop everything every time you come running to me, tears streaming down your face. I have work to do so if you'll excuse me" and with that he slammed the door in my face.

Yoongi POV

I have never felt more awful, more disgusting in my life than now, sitting here up against the door I had just slammed in my best friend's face. Why do I always have to push people away? I know this was for the good of the team but for once why can't I just be young, and do something stupid and selfish.

I always put people before myself, and in a twisted way that's what I just did for Jimin. He may never see it but this is for the best, if we ever got too close it would never last and when it all came crashing down who would be there to pick up the pieces? That's usually my job. No, although I feel awful I did what I had to do. And with that thought I picked myself up off the floor and got back to work.

Jimin POV

It stung. It stung like the door itself had slammed onto my skin, when in actual fact it hadn't, it was just the gesture that made me feel like someone had plunged a knife in my stomach. So he didn't care after all. I shouldn't be surprised really, he had always been like this pretty much, I guess last night was a one off, an exception. He must have been drunk or something.

*A couple hours later*

Yoongi POV

My stomach growled incessantly at me, screaming at me to feed it, satisfy it. I got up wearily from my desk and ambled my way down the hall to the kitchen, past V's room. Just as I was walking past though I started hearing strange noises.

Moans were audible from inside the room and I dared not turn back around and go investigate. Instead I simply turned on my heel, twisting my body to look back at the door. I needn't go any further to get to the bottom of what the noises were though because the door had been left slightly ajar, and from my angle I could see exactly what was going on.

I gasped as I realised who the two entangled figures were. Jung Kook and V. Suddenly all thoughts of food escaped my mind as I rushed to our leader's room to inform him of the situation. Don't get me wrong I wasn't trying to be a snitch but this could go horribly wrong for the team and I have a duty to at least let the leader know about this.

I knocked loudly on NamJoon and Jin's door, telling them to open up and hoping they weren't fast asleep. Little did I know that this was not a problem, they were definitely not fast asleep.

I got another shock as when the door opened I was greeted by the sight of a rather disheveled looking and half clothed Jin. "Where is Rap Monster?" I asked trying not to jump to any conclusions.

I soon found out that those conclusions would not be false of I had jumped to them however as when Jin pointed behind him I saw Rap Monster also looking quite disheveled, entangled in a mass of sheets on Jin's bed.

"What is going on here?!" I asked, my voice laced with anger. They both stuttered and turned red before NamJoon's inner leader came out and he tried to approach the situation diplomatically. "Well Jin and I recently decided that maybe we should take our relationship a little further than just being friends, and here we are" he gestured around him with his hands.

I couldn't take it any longer "HERE WE ARE?!" I shouted " do you even have any idea how selfish you are being?! I came here to inform you that Jung Kook and V are currently getting... hot and heavy in V's room and then I'm greeted by this?! The ONLY reason I didn't act upon my feelings for Jimin was because it could tear the team apart but now HERE WE ARE with two couples already within Bantan that I didn't know about!"

It took me a while to calm down and realise what I had just said, I guess my subconscious had been denying me this fact for a while now. I was in love with Park Jimin.

I left a rather shocked looking Jin and Rap Monster in their room with a small 'sorry' and "excuse me I have to do something" as I ran through the hall to where I needed to go. To the one I was in love with. To Jimin.

A/N~ hey guys so this chapter is a little longer because it is the weekend and I'm confined to bed as I am ill, I hope you enjoyed it. I would like to dedicate this to Jazz-Hoseok-Howlter dalolLYpop and Yixingluv because talking to you guys makes my day and I really appreciate all the support you give me. Kamsahamnida :)

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