2nd Tag

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Hi, so sorry this isn't an update but I was tagged to do this by jihooked- who is amazing and you should check her out, but anyway on with the tag...

1) Age?
I'm 15.

2) Biggest fears?
Failing, losing the people I love.

3) Time?

4) Drink you last had?
A cup of tea with loads of sugar (hehe whenever I type that now it corrects it to SUGA) and loads of milk-god I'm so British.

5) Everyday starts with?
My alarm clock being annoying af and checking my phone.

6) Favourite song(s)?
Ummm... You know-Jay Park feat. Okasian
What 2 do-Dean
BTS- practically every one of their songs idgaf
Holding on to you- Twenty One Pilots
And a whole tonne more that I can't name rn.

7) Are ghosts real?
I'm not really sure but istg if they are then my house is haunted.

8) Hometown?
Carlisle UK.

9) In love with?
Jung Kook, Suga and Jin from BTS, and a person.

10) Jealous of?
A lot.

11) Ever killed someone?
In my mind. Many times.

12) Siblings?
A younger brother.

13) One wish?
That I make it out of my exams alive.

14) The person you last called?
One of my best friends irl, Kat.

15) Reason to smile?

16) Last song you sang?
Perfect man by Shinhwa.

17) Time you woke up?
At 6 like every morning.

18) Worst habits?
Accidentally saying Korean things in normal sentences, even when I'm talking to people who have no clue what tf I'm on about eg teachers.

19) X Rays you have had done?
My wrist because I sprained it in an ice skating accident :(

20) Questions you always ask?
What is wrong with you?
What's wrong?
Are you ok?
Can I kill you?
Why is life so hard?

So that was my tag, sorry for the crappy answers 😁 I tag Yixingluv dalolLYpop and Jazz-Hoseok-Howlter but you guys totally don't have to if you don't want to, it's just for fun :)

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