Rejections and Realisations

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Meanwhile back at the dorms:
Jimin POV

I smiled to myself, this was perfect. Jin, J Hope and NamJoon were nowhere to be seen so I quickly concluded they must still be back at the training room and Yoongi was lying on the bed next to me, asleep. This gives me the perfect opportunity to go into Kookie and J Hope's room to spend some time with him while he was alone.

It was late so I tiptoed down the hall from mine and Suga's room and approached Jung Kook's door. Once I was stood in front of it I drew in a deep breath and knocked lightly, waiting for a bit until I heard a faint "come in" from inside.

I pushed the door open and was greeted by the sight of Kookie lying on his bed, arms behind his head and listening to music with one earphone in. when he saw me he sat up and pulled out his earphone. "Hey Jimin, what is it?" he asked me and I just smiled and walked over to him.

"I just thought you might need some company seen as how J Hope isn't back yet" I replied and sat down next to him on the bed. "Uhhh I'm ok I was just listening to some songs on my phone to try to decide which one I'm going to cover for the ARMYs next" he replied and began to fidget, playing with the blanket on his bed with his fingers. Awwww bless him, he is nervous!

I scooted a little closer to him on the bed until our thighs were almost touching, and I looked him in the eye. "Jimin..." he said softly but I held my finger up to his lips to shush him, neither of us should have to explain ourselves.

Once I had finished moving closer to him and our legs were pushed up against each other's, finally I spoke. "Jung Kook" I whispered and he looked away, seemingly fixated on something on the other side of the room. "Look at me Jung Kook" I said and put my finger under his chin, tilting his face softly to look at me.

Slowly I leaned in closer, and closer until finally I felt the contact of his marshmallow soft lips on my own. I felt like I was on a tropical beach somewhere, bathing in the glorious sunlight, as I drank in every aspect of his lips.

But there is always trouble in paradise, which I realised in that moment as Kookie pushed me away. "I'm sorry Jimin but I just can't" he said and quickly got up, leaving me alone in his room, tears dribbling down my face.

Jung Kook POV

Jimin was kissing me. It had taken me a little while to figure out what was happening but now I knew. Jimin's lips were on my lips. Like right now. And I had to do something about it, sure I liked Jimin just not like that, there was only room for one person in that part of my heart...

There was nothing else for it, so I gently pushed Jimin away and retracted my lips away from his. He looked confused, and upset as I had pushed him away, and emotion overwhelmed me as I stood up and walked away quickly. "I'm sorry Jimin but I just can't" I said as I hurried out of the door.

What was I going to do? I had hurt Jimin's feelings by not reciprocating and this could be a major problem for Bangtan. This was not good... I ran down the hall, tears streaming down my face until I stopped at a random point in the hallway and slid my back down against the wall.

There was only one person I wanted, no needed, right now, the only one who could properly cheer me up in times like this. And as I looked up I found myself face to face with that very person.

A/N~so I would like to dedicate this to the amazing @Jazz-Hoseok-Howlter who you should definitely check out! Also those of you who are actually reading this tysm, and I hope you are enjoying this ff as much as I'm enjoying writing it :)

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