Relationships and Revenge

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Rap Monster POV

I growled inwardly as I noticed Yoongi looking at Jimin again, I mean what was it with that boy that Suga found so attractive? Him and I have been rapping alongside each other for years and had much more in common than Yoongi and Jimin did.

I flop back into my chair just in time to see a rather annoyed looking Jin walk out of the door carrying his stuff. I was tired too and I certainly wasn't just going to sit here while Yoongi stared the heck out of Jimin and completely ignored me so I hastily grabbed my own stuff and chased after Jin.

Once I caught up with him he looked surprised to see me and asked me what I was doing here. Why was he acting so strange, I was simply walking back to the dorm with a friend... "I saw you leave and I was tired too so I decided to chase you so I didn't have to walk back alone" I replied to his question.

"Oh" was all he said and what followed was a painfully awkward silence that lasted several minutes before I decided to break it. "Jin what is going on with you?" I finally asked him as he fumbled with the door keys, finally managing to open the door and walk through to our room before stopping in his tracks.

Before I knew what was happening I was suddenly pressed up against the wall, Jin grabbing the collar of my shirt. Oh my Naughty Noodle I had no idea Jin was this strong! I was powerless to his strength as he whispered in my ear, his hot breath heavy against the side of my face. "When are you finally going to see" he muttered and I shivered at the close contact.

"When am I going to see wha-" I was cut off abruptly by a pair of soft lips crashing down on mine like a tidal wave engulfing me in its surf.

It took me a little while to register what was going on but after a few seconds I surprised myself and began to relax into the kiss and kiss Jin back.

I didn't want to think about what the hell I was doing right now or why exactly I was enjoying this, even if thinking right now was possible.

My mind turned to mush as Jin placed his hands on my face softly and cupped my cheeks, and in response I lifted my arms around his neck and tied them there, tilting my face to deepen the kiss.

We continued like that for what felt like hours, but eventually both of us had to come back to the surface for air and we rested our foreheads together, both breathing heavily.

There was silence for a bit before Jin said "you have no idea how long I have been waiting to do that" whilst grinning like a lunatic. I couldn't help but grin back, his smile was infectious. "Soooo what exactly does this mean for us?" I asked cautiously, I mean I had no idea I was even attracted to Jin in that way but now that he has made the first move, I wanted more.

He continued to smile like a crazy person, "whatever you want it to be, you decide, but first let me ask you something" he said, suddenly nervous. He took in a deep breath before asking "Nam Joon will you go out with me?" I felt like all the air was being sucked out of my lungs by a vacuum.

My face was blank for a moment as I registered what he had just asked and my mind flicked back to Yoongi. I liked him not Jin, didn't I? But a part of me wanted to give this a try so bad and Yoongi was clearly preoccupied so my next answer came without any further hesitation. "Yes." The atmosphere in the room was one of happiness as they celebrated however neither of the boys noticed the shadowy figure standing in the door way...

A/N~so here is chapter 2, hopefully this was a little bit simpler because it was all in one POV, and who do you guys think the guy in the door was hehe. As always this is dedicated to bextheawesomewizard off_on_a_tangent and dalolLYpop because you all make me smile :)

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