Crushes and Carelessness

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Yoongi POV

Since last night when Jimin had come in upset and I had hugged him I just couldn't seem to shake him out of my thoughts.

I was sitting at my desk trying to figure out the melody for our new song that would be on our next comeback, but whenever I would try to concentrate my mind had other ideas. It would drift back to the events of last night and end up burying me and any hopes I had of getting some work done in endless ongoing gifs of Jimin inside my head.

I had no idea what was happening to me, why does he keep popping into my head uninvited? I had always just assumed I was straight, but here I was mentally fanboying over what was just a simple and innocent hug.

Oh god this cannot be happening, I can't develop romantic feelings for someone else in the group, that would risk completely tearing the band apart.

I had fought so hard to follow my dream and here I was about to make it all for nothing simply because I might have feelings. No, I have to crush this before it grows, nip it in the bud so to speak and just move on. I can't risk everything.

Jimin POV

My heart broke for the second time in the past 2 days as I walked down the corridor and past V's room to get my breakfast the next morning. The door had been left slightly ajar, careless if you ask me, but neither of the people inside seemed to care all that much. They were somewhat... preoccupied you could say. Tae was lying back on the bed while Jung Kook straddled him, the two making out intensely, hands in each other's hair.

So that's why Jung Kook rejected me. Although it hurt, a lot, at the same time I was kind of relieved that he had a reason to reject me and it wasn't simply because he found me as repulsive as I found myself. I felt tears prick at my eyes and blur my vision as I ran back down the corridor, feeling sick to my stomach. I was running to the only place I could think of, the only place I really wanted to be. Right to Yoongi.

A/N~ Sorry this is so short and crappy guys, still not feeling 100% but I did what I could! Hopefully I will be able to update something better soon, I really appreciate anyone who is reading this ff at all, tysm guys. Hwaiting! :)

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