1st Tag

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So I was tagged to do this by Yixingluv one of my best friends here on wattpad so here goes...

1) Do you like snakes?
I hate snakeu.

2) Sweet or Savoury?
Sweeeet because Suga.

3) Who is your ultimate bias?
Oml I can't choose! Probably Jin from BTS.

4) Favourite ship?
Vkook is goals af rn so I'm just going to say them.

5) If you were an animal, what animal would you be?
This dog.

6) Have you slipped into the diamond lyfe?Ummmm who hasn't?

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6) Have you slipped into the diamond lyfe?
Ummmm who hasn't?

7) Favourite colour?
Purple or black (even though black is not a colour it's a tone ik)

8) What crazy colour would you dye your hair next?
I think it would probably have to be dark purple because I think it looks really cool.

9) How do you feel about rp?
Whatever floats your boat.

10) What is your favourite song kpop and non kpop wise?
Ummm for kpop it would have to be Autumn/dead leaves by BTS because the vocals be slaying or anything from Taemin's new album 'Press It' because that album is utter perfection congrats Taemin. Non kpop wise I have a pretty wide range in music taste but I'm really enjoying Bring me the Horizon's 2015 album 'That's the spirit' so anything from that really or Panic! At the disco's 'Death of a Bachelor' album WHICH IS FIRE.

11) Favourite girl group?
4Minute because Act.7 is fire and they are all majorly badass and I respect them a lot.

12) Which fanfic would you recommend us to read?
Hmmm that's a hard one but I really like 'Doll house' by jiminish which is YoonMin. Enough said.

So I'm extremely lazy so I'm not going to tag anyone but thank you Yixingluv for tagging me to do this, it was fun and I hope you enjoy my crappy answers. :)

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