That Fatal Day

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That Fatal Day

I hid around the corner as my stomach churned. I had a terrible feeling and I needed to see Dad. The door creaked open and close as I saw Doctor Murray walk past. I jumped up and ran into his room without a second thought.

"DADDY!" I screamed. He was lying on the bed, foaming from the mouth and his eyes were rolling back. "Paris" he whispered before collapsing completely. I ran to the bedside table and got the phone, it shook uncomfortably in my hands.

"911 what is your emergency?"

"My daddy.....HES DEAD!"

"Calm down miss what's your address?"

I gave the address through cries and climbed on the bed hugging and kissing Daddy. "Daddy please don't go....I need you!". I screamed again and this time Doctor Murray came running into the room. "GO AWAY YOU DID THIS, YOU MURDERER!" I yelled blocking him from reaching Dad. He ran out of the room and I returned to Dad, lying against his chest.

Doctor Murray rushed into the room followed by one of the guards. "GET THE CHILDREN OUT OF HERE. ThEY CANT SEE HIM LIKE THIS!" The guard pulled me into his grip, I kicked and screamed in retaliation. "Let me go, I need to be with Daddy!". He carried me downstairs and put me down in the kitchen next to Prince and Blanket who were bawling on the floor.

I fell down and we all joined hands in prayer for Daddy. Kai was also there, she had tears in her eyes. Paramedics came flying through the front door and upstairs. I jumped up and tried to follow them but security held me back. They fled back downstairs and out the door before I could do anything. I started feeling dizzy and fell.
I woke up in someone's arms. "Dad?" I looked up and saw Aunt Toya (La Toya) holding me, we were clearly in a hospital. Oh no, I need to find Dad! I jumped out of her lap but was taken hold of before I could go anywhere. "If Daddy's gone I want to be with him!" I cried in defeat.

A nurse walked into the small room and smiled. "Michael is just fine, he wants to see his children. Miss Jackson can I please talk to you in the meantime?" I walked with Prince and Blanket down the short corridor until we reached a hospital room. In the bed was Dad.

I ran past the others and squeezed him in a hug. "Daddy your okay!" Tears formed in my eyes as he hugged me back. Dads hugs were like no one else's, they were so warm and comforting that whenever I needed one, he was always my first choice. "Of course I'm okay, I could never leave you, any of you. I love you so much" he said, looking at me Prince and Blanket. They joined the hug and we all cried tears of joy together.

The nurse and Aunt Toya walked into the room together. "Mr Jackson you need some rest after today's events. I'm going to have to ask you all to leave". We finished the hug and Prince, Blanket and Aunt Toya left the room. "Paris wait" I looked at Dad, he was smiling weakly. "Thank you so much baby girl, you saved me" I ran back into his arms and we hugged tighter than ever before.

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