Daddy's Home

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"Paris?". I looked up at the door and saw Dad standing there. He had a small smile fixated on his face. It grew quickly into a wide grin as he opened his arms. I dropped the spoon and ran into them. "You're home!!dad I missed you". He rubbed my back and kissed my forehead. "I missed you too my little butterfly. But I'm home now and I'm not going out of town again any time soon. I love you so Paris".

"I love you more Dad". We retracted from the long needed hug. I saw a stray tear roll down his cheek before he swatted it away quickly.b"Dad, what's wrong?". I stepped closer in concern. "It's just, you're growing up so quickly. Prince is almost 18 and it won't be much longer after that when you leave too". "Dad listen to me, yes I am going to grow up. So will Prince and Blanket but we will always be there for you. We will always be a family and I will always be your baby girl". Dad stared at me, I could tell he was in deep thoughts. "Thank you Paris and can I ask what are you doing up so late?". Chester clouded my mind again as I remembered our break up but I didn't want to mention it and ruin the moment. At least not for Dad anyway. "Oh I was just hungry". I nodded along with the words to stop myself from breaking into a pool of tears. "Okay, but I think you should go to bed. It's late and we're going out as a family tomorrow".

"Where are we going?". I was genuinely curious, Dad always planned the best family activities. "I'm not telling you, it's a surprise". He smirked at his secret. "Right, you're too smart for me. I'd never be able to guess. Can you at least give me a hint?". I looked up at him with puppy dog eyes and pouted. "Well when you put it like that.... No". Dad laughed at his own joke and pat my back. "Nice try Paris but I'm not falling for it. Now go to bed".

"Fine I give up, I'll see you tomorrow". "Goodnight".
I woke up to a loud clanging and covered my ears with the pillow. "GET UP" the noise relentlessly got louder and more irritating. I jumped out of bed and saw Blanket hitting a pot with a mixing spoon. "BLANKET WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!". I snatched the spoon from him and waved it in his face. "Waking you up like Dad asked me too". At that moment, Dad walked into the room. "Good morning Princess".

"What's so good about it?". Dad and Blanket exchanged humoured looks. "It looks like someone got up on the wrong side of the bed" and with that, Blanket walked out of the room. "Well, you need to get ready to go. Quick sticks girlie. In the meantime I will be making some scrambled eggs for breakfast" Dad slid the wooden spoon out of my hands and left the room.

I had a quick shower and put on a t shirt and shorts with a combat style jacket and boots. My phone beeped from the bedside table.

Blanket- hurry up dads waiting for you to come down so we can have breakfast "as a family"

Paris- don't get your locks in a knot I'm coming! And don't mock Dad because he wants to spend time together as a family he's trying to be there for us

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. Blanket was sitting at the island, giving me a death glare. "Are you ready for breakfast Paris?" Dad asked. He was at the sink washing dishes. "Yep". "Okay can you please get some glasses and juice?". I nodded and walked to the fridge, pulling out some apple juice and OJ. The chef wasn't here because it was Sunday, her one day off. We all sat at the table and said Grace. Just as I was about to take a bite of toast, the doorbell rang.

"Oh I'll get that". Dad said with hesitation. He threw his napkin on the table and rushed to the door. I got up and walked across the kitchen, followed by Blanket. We both gasped as Dads lips met hers.


Who do you think kissed Michael? Did he kiss or was it forced?

Let me know what you think in the comments!

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