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Michaels Pov

I glanced around the hotel room, making sure that I hadn't forgotten to pack anything and grabbed my suitcase from the foyer. "Are you ready to go Blanket?" I asked. He was sitting on the couch looking at his phone and nodded my way. "Yeah Dad."

"People always told me be careful of what you do
And don't go around breaking young girls' hearts
And mother always told me be careful of who you love
And be careful of what you do 'cause the lie becomes the truth!"

I cued for the director to stop the music as Paris entered the room. I thought she'd be happy that I was home but something seemed off about her today. She smiled weakly when she noticed me staring and walked onstage. "Welcome home Dad" she said pulling me into a tight hug. When we pulled back she examined the stadium which I was going to perform in tonight and smiled. "Wow Dad sometimes I really can't believe how crazy this is, you're so talented." She said with a proud smile. "Aww thank you Paris." I replied smiling back.

Paris' Pov

I wiped my face with a tissue and looked into the mirror in utter disbelief. What have I done? I squeezed my eyes shut and hoped this was just a dream, I wasn't ready for this! I turned the tap on and splashed some water on my face. I was so worked up and I needed to calm down before Dad or Blanket got back to the dressing room. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and scrolled through it frantically until I found the phone number I was looking for. I pressed ring and waited anxiously as it rang...

"Hello?" I gulped and tried to calm down before responding. "Aunt Janet it's Paris."
J- "oh hey sweetie how are you doing?" She asked cheerfully.
P- "Not very good are you in LA at the moment? I really need someone to talk to."
J- "Of course you can talk to me whenever you need to. I've just gotten a plane back last night. Why don't you come over now?"
P- "Okay thanks Aunt Janet I'll see you soon."

Michaels Pov

I was in my dressing room getting
ready for the concert tonight when someone told me Paris had left. I wish she would tell me what was wrong because she hasn't been herself at all since I got back to LA. I was about to get changed when someone knocked on the door and poked their head in. "Excuse me Mr Jackson we have a message from your daughter." He handed me an envelope and quickly left. I sat down and looked at it curiously before tearing it open.


I couldn't face the idea of telling you this in person and seeing the disappointment written all over your face but I have to tell you something. With everything that's been happening in the last few months, I've lost myself a lot and I'm sorry for that. But now I've done something that's going to affect me, you and everyone in our lives forever.

Daddy I'm so sorry.....

I'm pregnant.


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