Unsaid Goodbyes And Stopping The Lies

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I walked into the main house at Neverland and threw my bag on a random chair. It was dead silent which was rare considering how many people Dad had hired to manage the house. Speaking of Dad, he walked through the door and fell onto the couch.
"Dad..." Only then did I notice he was crying.
He looked up slightly and looked me straight in the eye. His looking blank and sorrowful yet empty, it wasn't something I was used to. That's for sure.
"Paris, I don't even know what to say to you. Haven't I raised you to be responsible, respectful and loving? And more importantly to never use violence! But here we are, you expelled from school and on your first day. How could you do this? Hurt someone, that's not how I raised you..." He looked away forcing tears back.
"It's my fault, I've failed you as a Father, as your role model and now God is punishing you for my mistakes. Don't think you're of the hook though, this was a choice. One you made."

I couldn't think, I was being pulled in a million different directions. This would be the perfect time for the ground to swallow me whole. I ran upstairs and into my room, not hesitating to lock the door. This was crazy! I felt mad, upset, anxious, sick and most of all confused.

I woke up to loud knocking on the bedroom door. What the hell? I looked at the clock and it was already 5:45pm. Guess I fell asleep then? To be honest I don't even know what happened. My thoughts were interrupted by the knocking getting louder. If that was even possible.
"Okay, I'm coming!" I climbed out of the bed and stomped to the door, unlocking it.
"Geez Paris I'm just bringing your dinner. You missed the family meal at 5." Prince said as he handed me a plate of fried tofu and salad.
"Yeah sorry I thought you were Dad." I admitted as we both retreated to my bed.
"Uh huh and what did Dad do this time?" He retorted sarcastically. According to Prince and pretty much everyone else, whenever Dad and I got into an argument I'm at fault.
"Well it's complicated....wait, why did you guys have dinner early? It's always at 6." I asked, remembering his earlier comment.
"Dad's announcing something important to his fans tonight. Don't ask me what it is but you might want to watch his live announcement." He added shrugging.
"Yeah I will thanks".
Prince nodded and stood up, walking out of the room probably doing the same thing.
I looked down at the plate of food he brought in and chucked it in the trash before walking over to my computer and going to Dads YouTube channel just in time for his live video.

"To whom that may be wondering, yes the rumours are true... For once. I will be traveling to London to kick off my This Is It tour. I'm sorry for the long wait but believe me when I say this time hasn't gone to waste and it will be my best one yet! Thank you to my amazing fans who have stuck by me, I love you all and can't wait to see you again."

I was utterly speechless, how could Dad not tell me about this!? I stormed off down the hallway and shoved Princes door open.
"Did you see that? Dad's leaving for tour and he didn't tell us." I ranted in an absolute rage. Once I stopped, the suitcase on his bed was obvious along with the clothes scattered everywhere around it.
"You knew?! And you didn't tell me! Great brother Prince." I slammed the door shut and could hear him calling me but I ignored it and continued my rage right down to Dads office. I stomped in and slammed my fists down on his desk.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK DAD!!!???" I screamed right in his face.
He looked confused for a second before the realisation hit his face. He stood up and walked around the desk, standing inches away from me.
"Do not act so self righteous Paris. You have been misbehaving constantly in the last few weeks and I've had enough! Yes I am doing the tour I promised my fans 5 years ago. I took time off after what happened and I'll be forever grateful for what you did but I'm not going to spend the rest of my life repaying you for it. I'm leaving tomorrow and you're staying with Janet until your behaviour has taken a total, much needed makeover or until the tour is over. You want to make your own decisions, well here you go." Dad lectured me. I could easily tell he was frustrated and tired.
I choked to get my next question out as I started to realise I was losing the argument.
"But this isn't fair! Prince is going with you." I pointed out as tears began to sting my eyes. I was going to be deserted by my own family.
"What are you talking about? Prince isn't coming, he left for college tonight. Yes, Blanket will come, I'm not leaving him here for so long at his young age. Don't be selfish about this, I'm doing it for everyone's own good." He explained, a little more calmly.
"Wait. Did you just say Prince left for college?" I asked, confused.
"Yes, he got accepted early and had to leave straight away to make the new semester."
"Oh.... D-Dad please don't leave me! I don't want to be here alone, you are gone so much. I miss you!" I begged as the tears finally won and poured down my cheeks.
"I'm not falling for your manipulation games anymore Paris. I've got to go pack and you should to. Janet is picking you up at 9 tomorrow morning to leave for New York. Go." Dad instructed strictly before leaving the office himself.

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