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As I constricted Portia's airway she started turning blue. A pair of arms found their way around my waist and I was pulled away as she spluttered uncontrollably.
"What in the lords name do you think you're doing!?" An unfamiliar teacher screamed at me.
"She insulted my family! The bitch even had the nerve to call my father a child molester. They all did!" I explained quickly, glaring at the group of girls.
"Girls, is any of this true?" He asked doubtfully. They all shook their heads in unison.

"Mr Samuels, all we were trying to do was make her feel welcome" Quinn protested.
"And she just attacked me after we offered to be her friends, it's atrocious!".
The teacher I now knew as Mr Samuels glared at Portia for a moment before shoving a finger in my chest.
"Go to the principals office, now! Chastity please escort Portia to the nurses office, Jen and Quinn please escort our troublemaker here to the principals office and the others will join you when they are finished. Are we clear?" He questioned.
"Yes sir!".
"Good now go!" He ordered before stomping away. Before the girls could say anything I grabbed my school bag and sprinted out of the cafeteria and to the school gates. Someone snatched my arm and I stumbled to the cement. What the hell!?

"Sorry I didn't mean to trip you but I need to see your early dismissal pass before you leave the premises" a tall, dark skinned male explained. His name tag made me feel sick to my stomach.
Principal Baxton.
"I don't have one" I answered hesitantly, getting up again.
"Well okay then, maybe you should come down to my office and we can sort this out".
I didn't know what to say so just nodded in agreement.

I entered the front office after a quick bathroom break and looked around in curiosity. I had no idea where the principals office was. I peeked around the front desk and saw a hallway that ended with a big door with "PRINCIPAL" printed on the glass. Oh well here goes nothing. I walked down the hall and knocked on the door.
"Who is it?" He called out.
"Um Paris... Paris Jackson. You wanted to speak with me".
"Come in" he called again. I slowly opened the door and felt the blood drain from my face.
"Dad!? What are you doing here?" I asked in utter shock. He just shook his head and looked down.
"The school called me." Was all he said.
"Come sit down Paris, we have some important things to discuss" Principal Baxton added. I drew in a deep breath and sat down next to Dad. Who might I mention won't even look at me.
"So after finding you trying to flee school grounds, I came back to the office to discover the reasons why. It's bad enough that you'd accuse classmates of saying such things as your father is... a child molester. You took advantage of bad circumstances by saying that and I'm sure your father has been personally affected by this. However, it is completely unacceptable and inhumane at that to attack another student to such severity. Portia has been transported to hospital with severe bruising on her neck and a fractured skull. You are hereby expelled and should consider yourself lucky that payment for medical treatment from your father has been accepted or you could have very well been sentenced to jail." Mr Baxton explained, looking absolutely horrified by his own words.

"Come on Paris, we have to go" Dad said as he exited the room. I followed behind silently, unsure of what to say. On my way out I saw Jen and Quinn crying as they hugged each other comfortingly. What just happened?

Paris Jackson; My Father SurvivedWhere stories live. Discover now