Chapter One

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Phil woke up to the sun shining, birds singing, and another splitting headache.

"Mum!" he shouted from his bed.

"You have legs, Philip! You can come downstairs!" she shouted back.

Phil grumbled something under his breath and pushed himself out of bed, grabbing his crutches and pulling himself to his feet. He made his way downstairs and sat at the table, resting his crutches against the wall.

"How's your head this morning?" his mother asked, setting a plate of breakfast in front of him.

"It hurts." Phil shrugged.

"The doctor said it should be going away soon." she said and sat beside him.

"I hope." Phil sighed and swallowed two aspirin that his mother passed to him.

"Should we work your memory again?" she asked. Phil just shrugged and shook his head. "You can't just give up."

"I feel hopeless, mum! I can't remember anything past my 18th birthday! A whole 10 years of my life is completely empty!" Phil smacked his palms to his forehead and groaned loudly in frustration.

"Come on, now. The doctor said there's a good chance you'll get your memory back; you just have to work at it." she patted his shoulder.

"I've been working at it everyday for six weeks: ever since I woke up in that hospital. I don't have any friends, I don't know where I live, I don't remember even graduating high school! I still feel like a wimpy 18 year old with no life." Phil slammed his hand down on the table.

"I know you're frustrated but there's no need to hit things." his mum reached for his hand.

"Thanks for breakfast, Mum, but I'm not hungry." Phil mumbled and got up from the table, grabbing his crutches from the chair next to him and headed for the stairs.

"Philip." she sighed. "I wasn't done talking with you."

"I need to be alone." Phil stopped at the end of the hall.

"I know you need time to adjust but your father and I wanted to run an idea by you. Your birthday is coming up and we wanted to know if you were interested in the family coming by for a dinner."

"It's fine." Phil mumbled, without looking up.

"Call if you need anything." she whispered and Phil could hear her voice shaking. He went upstairs without a look back.


A/N Hello! Thank you for clicking on this story! I hope you are as excited to read this as I am to write it! Don't forget to follow my Instagram! {}. Thanks for reading! Xx

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