Chapter Three

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Phil's 29th birthday was the next day.

His father stayed home from work and the three of them - Phil and his parents - all ate breakfast together. Phil even got a blue party hat. It was very awkward and silent and Phil spent the whole meal furiously swallowing back tears. Just as his father was bringing the dishes to the sink, the front door opened.

"There's Martyn!" his mother seemed to say with a sigh of relief.

Phil didn't get up to greet his brother; he sat solid in his chair and stared at the smooth oak table.

"There's my brother."
Phil didn't move as his brother slung an arm around his shoulder and squeezed him in an awkward hug.

"How are you, buddy?" he sat down in the chair beside Phil. The younger of the two just shrugged.

"I thought seeing me would brighten you up a bit. Mum said you seemed to be getting gloomier." Martyn whispered.

Phil looked up at him and only then noticed the baby in his arms. "This is Catherine. Your niece." Martyn told him.

Phil couldn't help but let out a small blubbery sob and he mumbled an 'excuse me' as he got up from the table with his crutches and walked briskly to the living room.

"I knew this wasn't a good time, mum." Phil heard his brother whisper.

"I just want him to have a nice birthday, is that so hard to ask for?"

"It's not but Phil is being really hard on himself...maybe we should put the festivities off until later."

"I can't cancel now! Everyone should be on their way! Besides, Martyn, what if this helps his memory? He'll be seeing all his old friends and family that he hasn't seen in so long."

"Take it easy on the boy, mother. You know how sensitive he is." Martyn protested.

"I know you're trying to do what's best for him because we all want our old Phil back but he'll come back when he's ready." his father said.

Phil didn't bother wiping away his tears as he sat in the living room and stared at the wall. Martyn appeared in the doorway, the baby still in his arms.

"Don't be so hard on yourself." he spoke up. Phil scoffed. "I'm serious, Philip. Everyone here loves you the same as we always did and there is absolutely no doubt about that."

"I feel like I've let everyone down! Everyone I don't remember! Like Catherine." Phil frowned and gently poked the baby's hand.

"She's only six didn't miss much." Martyn chuckled.

"I still feel so far away from everything." Phil sighed.

"And you just want time to think?" Martyn added. Phil pouted and nodded. "I tried to tell mum but she's persistent on this party." he straightened out the blue cone hat on Phil's head.

"It's okay. It's only one day." Phil shrugged.

"That's the spirit." Martyn laughed and pulled him in for a hug. At that moment, the doorbell rang and their mother hurried for the foyer with a quick:

"Brighten up, boys! The guests are here!"

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