Chapter Thirty-Four

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Dan woke up to a bright light in his face. He groaned and buried his face into the pillow.

"Phil." he grumbled, pulling the blankets over his head. He could hear quiet voices from somewhere in the room along side soft clanging of metal.

"What's going on?" Dan threw the blankets down and rubbed his eyes, his vision clearing and the light going away, revealing Phil's smiling face beside him.

"Morning, handsome." he giggled lightly and leaned in to kiss him.

"Are you okay?" Dan asked quickly.

"Everything is fine, Daniel." Ket said as he walked over to the bed with a tray of poorly made breakfast and Dan sat up. Runny eggs, burnt toast, browning fruit, and barely warm coffee. "Eat up. We have a lot to accomplish today." Ket set the tray on Dan's lap and walked back to the table in the middle of the room where Darwin was cleaning up some medical supplies.

Dan looked to Phil who still looked very drugged and pale but he was smiling.

"You okay, babe?" Dan whispered and pressed his hand to Phil's forehead.

"Mm." Phil couldn't muster a shrug.

The heart monitor was still beeping, faster than the night before but not as fast as it normally should be. An empty plate on a tray on the makeshift bedside table sat beside Phil.

"Is it okay?" Dan whispered and nodded for the empty tray.

"I just smiled and tried to keep down my vomit. I couldn't hold a fork so he had to feed me so I really had no choice." Phil breathed, blinking slowly.

"I could have done it, why didn't you wake me?" Dan asked calmly.

"You looked really cute. I also focussed on you so I wouldn't throw up."

"Thanks." Dan chuckled and leaned down to kiss him.

"Eat up, Daniel, or you won't be able to join us." Ket called from across the room. Dan picked up his fork and took a bite of the eggs. He quickly put his hand over his mouth, making Phil chuckle from beside him.

"It's worse when it's cold." Phil breathed. Dan swallowed his pride and forced the breakfast down his throat.

"How was it? Good?" Ket asked and took the empty tray from him.

"Mm hm." Dan pulled a tense smile and when Ket turned away he gaged violently, making Phil laugh slowly.

"Now that you're all fed, we'll take you down to get the transaction started." Ket said.

"Can we call home first? Make sure things are okay there?" Dan asked.

"Alright. You have five minutes." Ket shuffled Darwin and himself out of the room. Dan grabbed his phone and quickly dialled Louise.

"Dan, where the hell are you?" she answered loudly, Lily screaming in the background.

"I'm so sorry, Louise. It's really hard to explain and we promise we'll tell you everything when we get home but for now just know that we're okay." Dan said.

"Tell me now! Lily won't stop screaming and Max refuses to eat anything. He keeps asking for you."

"I can't tell you because you'll go worrying. Just give Lily the ring thats in the freezer-she's teething-and sing her a few songs. She'll be asleep or quiet soon. Can you pass the phone to Max?"

"You seemed rushed, are you sure you're okay?"

"Louise, please just trust me."

"Alright. But I expect answers. I'll get Max."

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