Chapter Twenty-Six

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A/N Prepare yourself for a kind of cute kind of sucky filler chapter lol


Dan woke up to, again, an unusually quiet apartment. At first his heart sank because he thought Phil coming home was all a dream but when he saw their clothing littering the floor he smiled to himself. Dan jumped up and threw on random clothes before running out to find Phil. The fresh smell of coffee led him into the living room where Phil, Louise, and Max were sitting in a circle on the floor around a few magazines.

"Morning, sleepy head." Louise chuckled.

"Morning, Daddy!" Max shouted.

"Hi." Dan said quietly, pressing a kiss to Phil's head and sat between his favourite boys.

"Sleep well?" Phil asked.

"Very well." Dan smirked and kissed him. "What are you guys doing?" he looked down at the open magazines.

"Shopping." Phil said.

"For?" Dan flipped through a few pages of one. Every page had baby things on it.

"For the baby. Duh." Max giggled.

"I just woke up. Give me a break." Dan laughed.

"And Louise brought these." Phil handed over a few small papers. Dan took them and smiled at the black and white ultrasound pictures. "She looks like you." Phil teased.

"Ha. Ha. H-"

Phil cut him off with a kiss.

"I was thinking-" Dan said.

"Oh no." Louise smirked. Dan glared jokingly at her.

"I was thinking that our apartment is too small once the baby comes. Should we start looking?" Dan turned to Phil.

"But I like this apartment." Phil frowned.

"Me too." Max piped up.

"Well where is the baby going to sleep?"

"Our room." Phil smiled.

"And when she gets older?"

"With me!" Max threw his hand up.

"No." Louise laughed. "Girls need their own space."

"Aw." Max frowned.

"What about the game room?" Phil offered.

Dan gasped and put his hand to his chest.

"I'm hurt." Dan whispered.

"Shut up." Phil laughed, pushing him lightly and then kissing him. "Baby will just have to sleep on the street or in the hallway."

"Alright." Dan frowned. "She can have the game room."

"I'll help you set up your things in here." Louise chuckled.

"No. We'll be okay. You can't tire yourself out." Dan said.

"I was looking at this crib." Phil held up one of the magazines that had a little flag in the side. The crib was a simple black wood rectangle sanded down smooth.

"It's blaaaaack." Max sang, wrapping his arms around Dan's shoulders from the back.

"It's nice." Dan smiled.

"Oh, she's awake." Louise chuckled and set her hand on her belly.

"Baby!" Max crawled over the magazines and pressed his nose against her shirt. "WOW!" he squealed and jumped back.

"She's kicking." Louise laughed. Phil reached over and put his hand on her.

"Wow she's an active little thing." Phil giggled. Dan grabbed Phil's coffee and took a drink for himself.

"If she's anything like Max she should be coming within the month." Louise said.

"We need to think of names." Dan said, setting his hand on Phil's back.

"I'm so excited!" Phil grinned. He sat back and leaned into Dan, kissing him again. Max cringed. "I have a headache." Phil whispered.

"Are you okay?" Dan asked quickly.

"Yeah. Just a headache." Phil chuckled, slinging his arm around Dan's shoulders.

"Auntie Louise! I forgot! I drew you a picture!" Max jumped up and ran out. Louise pulled herself up.

"Discuss plans and things. I'll busy him." she ran her hand through Dan's hair on the way past and walked out after Max.

"Are we really emptying the game room for the baby?" Dan asked.

"Why not? We can set the desk up in here or in our room, ditch the fold down bed and crap and paint it up, set up the baby stuff. It'll be perfect." Phil was giddy with excitement.

"I guess so." Dan shrugged.

"You don't like it." Phil sighed.

"Of course I do! I'm just scared that our Youtube life is slipping away from us. It's how we met, Phil. It means so much to me."

"We're not losing it." Phil chuckled. "Once we get settled back into our routine it'll be easy!"


"I promise." Phil laughed and leaned in to kiss him again. "We're becoming quite the weird family."

"We are." Dan smirked. "Who knew we'd be buying girly baby magazines?"

"They're not girly." Phil pouted and snatched it from him.

"They're cute." Dan leaned in and kissed his cheek, falling on top of him and spilling the mug of coffee over the wood floor. "Dammit." Dan frowned, keeping his eyes on Phil's.

"You gonna clean it up?" Phil whispered.

"Not yet." Dan mumbled, sliding his hands in Phil's and pinning them above his head.

"What?" Phil giggled.

"I'm just really happy." Dan blushed. Phil leaned up and kissed his lips.

"Me too."

They stared happily at each other - actual Heart-eyes Howell and Love-eyes Lester - until Phil gasped and sat up quickly, pushing Dan off of him.

"The coffee ran into my hair!" Phil squealed.

"Guess we'll have to get a shower then, huh?" Dan smirked, his dimples showing. Phil just rolled his eyes and gave him a small shove.

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