Chapter Twenty

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Dan shifted uncomfortably in the hospital waiting room chair and slowly opened his eyes to the bright room. He must have fallen asleep with Max. At 7? Being awake enough to know his surroundings but not yet awake enough to care, Dan stretched and yawned and then realized there was a lack of his five year old.

He rubbed his eyes and looked around at the waiting room. Phil's parents were missing and most of the ICU waiting room was empty. Only a few nurses were walking around with breakfast trays and blood work kits. Dan spotted Max in Phil's hospital room.

The boy was sat on a chair beside the bed and a nurse was opposite him, doing something with the machines that Phil was hooked up to. Dan knew it wasn't good for Max to be just opened to all the potential scary hospital equipment so he called up Louise to see if she could take Max home. Once they hung up and she was on her way, Dan traipsed over and quietly walked into the hospital room.

"Good morning." the nurse greeted politely.

"Hey." Dan smiled weakly.

"Hi, Dad." Max grinned. "I was talking to Daddy and May was teaching me how to do all the hospital machine stuff."

"Nice." Dan nodded. He looked down at Phil who was still unconscious.

"Look at the needle!" Max pointed to Phil's wrist where the IV needle was taped.

"Fun." Dan chuckled, still half asleep for anything more than two words.

"It's almost 8. I should move to my next room." the nurse gathered her things and they said their quiet goodbyes and thanks yous and she left.

"What were you talking about?" Dan picked up Max and sat down in the chair, setting the boy on his lap.

"Stuff." Max shrugged.

"I called Louise and she can take you home."

"But I want to stay here with you!" Max frowned. "What if Daddy wakes up?"

"I'll call you right away if anything happens. I promise. You need to be at home though. It's your job to take care of the place while Daddy is sick."

"Hello." Louise knocked lightly on the door.

"Hi." Dan smiled lightly at her.

"Poor thing." she sighed at the sight of Phil. "No sight of improvement yet?"

"Not yet. He's stable though." Dan shrugged. "Stay here for a second, Max. I'll be right back."

Louise followed Dan out of the room.

"Think Phil will be back to normal in time for April?"

"Hopefully." Dan set his hand on his friend's protruding belly. "Can I be honest?" he whispered.

"Of course." Louise nodded.

"I'm fucking terrified."

"Terrified? Of what?"

"This new baby. I tried to ignore it but it's eating me alive. I can't help but think that Phil isn't going to get better and I'll be stuck raising Max and a baby girl alone. I don't know shit about girls! I'm gay for starters!" {*drops mic*}

"Dan, come on. Go easy on yourself." Louise laughed and took his hands in hers. "Phil is just fine. Besides, you're not alone. You have me and Phil's parents and your parents and Max. Max'll be your saviour once this baby is born. He'll be such a big help."

"You think everything is going to be okay?" Dan pouted.

"I do. You're a great father, Dan. With or without Phil's old self you know he'll be there for you."

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