Chapter Seven

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A/N The video above is part of the story below lol


Phil was still tired when he woke up the next morning and all he wanted to do was sleep for forty more hours. Instead of dealing with his family who would be pitying him and apologizing, Phil took out his laptop and typed into the google search bar: youtube. With a click of a link, the now very unblocked website popped up.

Phil's heart stopped a minute.

He started typing into the search box. AmazingPhil. He almost choked at the number of 'subscribers' he had. He didn't know - well, didn't remember - what a subscriber was but, holy, that was a big number.

His page had many colourful videos and Phil didn't know which one to click first. He finally decided on his apparent 'reaction' to his baby videos. At least there would be some sort of memory for him there.

He didn't know why he had made a video reacting to things he had already lived through but he selected it anyway.

"Hey, guys!! Happy new year!!"

Phil almost fell off his bed and quickly pressed pause. Taking a minute to try and figure out how to turn the volume down and get over the fact he was watching himself through a screen like he was part of Back to the Future, Phil pressed play again. 

"I'm wearing black because I'm still mourning the death of the festive season. Rest in peace for another year, my son."

Phil stared blankly at himself through the computer.

"I've spent the last two weeks in my pyjamas while my mum fed me various kinds of cake so I've had a really relaxing time."

Phil didn't notice he was shaking until then, it was like two entire halves of what he knew his life was were coming together.

"Also Santa was particularly kind to me this year."

"Phil, you IDIOT, Santa doesn't exist!" Phil scolded from the front of the computer screen.

He skipped through the presents and started watching from the middle of the video.

"And I just wrote 'please can I have a dog' 'please can I have a dog' over and over hoping that dedication would get me a dog."

Phil slammed his hand down on the pause button and threw himself out of bed, his head was being sliced open again. It drove him crazy knowing he was watching himself on the internet where millions go daily talking about his personal life!

Was this his whole young adult life?

What were subscribers?!

Why did he find talking to a camera fun?!

Phil wanted answers and he knew there was only one place to find them.

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