Chapter Twenty-Nine

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A/N Fetus Dan picture to set the mood lol

Side note: He is holding that kid so awkwardly pfft...Dan in this fanfic has had practice so remember that lol


"Are we really doing this again?" Phil chuckled as Dan paced in front of him.

"I'm calm. I swear!" Dan pulled a smile.

"You don't look calm." Max mumbled, sitting on Phil's lap an eating a small bag of chips. {A/N Take it as potato chips or fries whatever you prefer lol}

"I'm very calm." Dan crossed his arms and sighed.

"It's fine to be nervous, babe." Phil whispered.

Dan looked around the waiting room of the baby ward of the hospital. Winnie the Pooh decals were stuck randomly on the cream walls and the place was filled with frazzled middle age men.

"Sit down. Stop thinking of the worst possible situations." Phil grabbed Dan's arm and tugged him into the chair beside his. Max offered him a chip which he sighed and accepted.

"It's been almost three hours; what if something's wrong?" Dan mumbled more to himself than anyone.

"Labour can take up to a few days. It's fine." Phil chuckled.

"Oh Jesus Christ." Dan groaned and slouched back.

The waiting room fell into tense silence and every time a doctor walked in all the men's heads lifted hopefully. Dan focussed on Max happily eating his chips. He ran one hand through his hair and Max looked to him.

"I'm sorry parents' day sucked." Dan whispered.

"It didn't suck." Max frowned.

"We didn't even get to present."

"I know. I just liked that people could see you."

"Why's that?"

"Because. You're my favouritest people." Max said, shoving more chips in his mouth. Dan smiled and ran his hand through Max's hair.

"You two are my favouritest people too." Dan chuckled. Max handed him another chip. Phil looked over at Dan and smiled. "What?" Dan laughed.

Phil just shook his head as he laughed lightly, wrapping his arms around Max's small waist. The three sat there for a while again, pretty much just staring at the wall.

When Max finished his snack, he leaned back against Phil's chest and closed his eyes. Dan curled his arm around Phil's own and leaned into him, trying to get some sleep too.

Phil looked at the clock on the wall and sighed at the early-evening time of 5:27. It had been a long day and it wasn't even over yet. He looked down at Max who was asleep against him, lips in a little pout and his shirt rising up a little. Phil gently moved the boy up so he was sitting sideways in his arms, his head leaning against his shoulder.

The hours ticked by and he felt his eyes getting heavy since sitting in a plastic chair wasn't his idea of a fun time. Dan was very much asleep and dreaming beside him as he was letting out a few little hums through closed lips and shut eyes. Once Phil fell asleep too, it was only a matter of time until they would be woken up. However, no one woke them.

Max opened his eyes on his own, blinking to get used to the brightness of his surroundings. He pushed himself into a sitting position and turned to see his dads asleep together. Smiling, Max poked Phil's nose a few times. When he got no response he smacked his face a few times. Phil frowned and turned away a little.

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