Chapter Thirty-One

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The birds chirping from outside sent a positive shine across London but just angered the 2 frustrated, sleep deprived fathers. Phil woke up cold and shivering, laying on top of the bed sheets. Dan was beside him with the baby between them but he was already awake, his tired eyes watching the sleeping baby.

"Morning." Phil whispered.

"Morning." Dan pulled a small smile.

His hand was resting gently on Lily's tummy, and he watched her carefully, her eyes closed lightly and little even breaths being let out.

"She's so peaceful when she's asleep but she's like the devil when she's awake." Dan grumbled quietly.

Phil let his mind wander and he looked towards the closed windows, the sunlight peeking through the edges.

"What are you thinking about?" Dan asked, looking up at him.

"You'll be angry with me."

"You know me; angry all the time." Dan scoffed lightly.

"Just-" Phil sighed and then turned back to the baby. "I just can't stop thinking about those two people."

"Phil, you're going to drive yourself mad if you keep overthinking this. They're idiots. There. End of it." Dan said seriously.

"Yeah." Phil sighed deeply and leaned closer to the baby, running his hand softly over her head. She whined and shifted.

"Now you've done it!" Dan whispered. Lily opened her eyes and they prepared for the worst but she just blinked at them.

"Good morning, you!" Phil smiled and leaned over her.

"Our devil in disguise." Dan chuckled through a yawn. Max came traipsing into the room, Lion tucked under his arm.

"Is she gone yet?" he asked.

"Gone where?" Phil questioned.


"No. She's still here." Phil said.


"Want to come see?"

Max crawled over and Phil pulled him onto his lap. Lily looked up at him with big blue eyes.

"Does she do any tricks?" Max asked.

"No." Phil laughed. "She's alive. That's a pretty cool trick."

"Not really." Max frowned. Lily let out a small cry and Dan picked her up right away.

"I think she needs to be changed. Again." he sighed then looked to Max, "Want to see how it's done?"

"No way!" Max shouted and ran out of the room.

"Eventually he'll do it." Dan chuckled.

"Maybe for our third." Phil said with a shrug.

"Third? Wow. Someone is planning the future." Dan teased.

"Shut up." Phil blushed.

"Kidding." Dan laughed and leaned in to kiss him. He then got up and took the baby over to the change table. Phil followed and stood at the window, pulling open the blinds.

"Nice day, huh?" Dan chuckled. Phil just hummed in reply. "You okay?" he asked.

"Yup." Phil paused with his gaze out the window before turning back towards the rest of the room.

"What's up with you? You've been acting strange the past few hours." Dan stated, doing up Lily's onesie again before leaning over her and kissing her cheek. Phil just shrugged. "If it's about those idiots then you've got to be insane if you're actually still thinking about it."

"What if I am?"

"Babe, I love you, but you are coming a little loose again." Dan reached over and poked his head.

"I'm serious. Why would they go out of their way to come all the way over here and tell us false information." Phil crossed his arms, leaning back on the window ledge.

"There are just people like that in the world. I'm surprised you haven't caught onto that yet. This is why I never go outside; people are whacked." Dan picked up the baby.

"I don't want to be a teenage girl." Phil pouted.

"You're not! You're mine, remember? Since 2009."

"I do remember." he sighed.

"Exactly. They won't even call us. How could they? They don't have our phone numbers." Dan pressed a few kisses to his lips. "No idiot is going to take you from me."

Phil leaned forward a bit so their noses touched and then he kissed him again.


"Good." Dan smiled, happy that those two random people were finally going to be gone. The two men started for the door.

"Maybe we should all go for a walk." Phil suggested.

"A walk?? Outside?"

"Yes, Daniel. Outside."

"I dunno. Someone might approach us saying I'm actually from Mars."

"Shut up." Phil laughed and playfully smacked him.

Months passed without hearing from Ket or Melissa-the-random-teenage-girl. The whole incident pretty much left the family's mind as they were fully focused on their growing baby and Max.

However the thought still lingered in Phil's mind sometimes as he lay awake in the middle of the night, Dan fast asleep beside him with no worries whatsoever. How much would this 'mind switching' ruin his life? If he switched back would all his current memories just vanish? Would he even be the same person if his real mind comes back?

Everything sounded so insane and sci-fi and not at all what reality should be. Phil only wanted a simple life; was that so hard to ask for? He had so many unanswered questions and some part of him kind of wished Ket would come back just so he could get some answers.


A/N Short chapter...I'm sorry. This is pretty much a filler I think. Things will probably pick up next chapter so don't worry lol.

On a side note, Toronto Blue Jays won again so I'm pretty stoked for the rest of the baseball season! Woot!!
{Baseball fanfic in the future? Who knows!}

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