Chapter Thirty-Five

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A/N *Takes a deep breath* You guys wanted an update so here it is but, surprise, surprise, to you: this is the last chapter. Take it all in!! Make sure to read the beginning at least of the other author's not at the end because it's important!

{Song above kinda sets the mood}


When Dan was coming to he thought everything that had happened was all just a dream. But when he clued into the agonizing pain in his nose, he remembered everything.

"Phil?!" Dan sat up instantly.

He was in the 'lab' that they slept in the night previous. Other than him, the room was empty and one of the lights on the ceiling flickered. Dan ran over to the door and tugged at the handle. Locked. He started slamming his palms against the thick door, desperately calling for anyone to let him out.

When he heard the lock click, he stepped back, letting Ket walk in and closed the door again.

"Where's Phil?" Dan asked sharply.

"Take a seat. Calm down." Ket sighed. Dan sat on the end of the bed and Ket leaned against the table in front of him.

The man exhaled deeply and then licked his lips, avoiding eye contact with Dan at all costs.

"There was a...little malfunction with the experiment." Ket said.

"No shit. I just want to know if Phil is alive."

"Oh he's well alive." Ket chuckled humourlessly.

"Well can I see him?!" Dan was getting annoyed with Ket avoiding all his questions.

"Let me take a look at your nose first. I hit you pretty hard if I do say so myself." Ket took Dan's chin in his hand and ripped the plaster-like cast off of his nose. Dan flinched. "All healed now."

"That quickly?" Dan frowned and touched his nose.

"You've been out a few hours and I have good men here who know what they're doing."

"Where's Phil?" Dan asked without giving the guy a break. Ket sighed.

"He's still in the main room with Darwin." Ket answered.

"He's not hurt?" Dan clarified.

" We patched up his forehead and took out the IV so he's getting his energy back."

"You hesitated. What was the hesitation for?"

"The experiment went...not how we hoped. Phil is fine; he has his memory back and remembers everything but the experiment changed him a bit."

"How?" Dan asked cautiously.

"Follow me. I'll show you." Ket started for the door and Dan quickly followed after him. They started down the hallway and back up the stairs to the main part of city hall.

"Okay, where the hell are we going?" Dan frowned.

Ket didn't answer as he walked out of city hall into the once again setting sun. Dan walked in silence behind Ket, wondering where they were going and what this random adventure had to do with seeing Phil. It was then that he noticed how strangely empty the area was as they approached the London Bridge after a tiring 11 minute walk. Normally, even in late afternoon, the place was packed with tourists.

Ket walked to the middle of the bridge and they stood together outlooking east over the Thames river.

"What does this bridge have to do with anything? Where is Phil, Ket?" Dan asked sharply.

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