Chapter 1~ Welcome to the life of Opal Miza

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  Hey guys this is my first story on Wattpad and im soo excited about it :D I dont know how good it will be but ill try my best! :| (solid determined face!) Also i do not own Vampire Knight!

  And Into the Portal We Go

               (A Vampire Knight Fanfic)             Chapter One!

Hii! My name is Opal Miza. Im 15, have long blonde hair, green eyes, am kinda short for my age, and fall is my favorite time of year. Especially at night. I love the wind, the yellow leaves, and best of all the darkness mixed together with the smell of leaves. Im not goth or anything, i just like the feeling of being wrapped up in the comfort of the autumn darkness. :) Weird huh?

Sometimes (like now) I like to escape from everything, and just go outside. Simple, but it fills me with a warm fuzzy feeling and for those brief moments, i feel truly happy. :) Its not that my life is bad or anything..... actually its pretty good! It just feels like there should be something more! something exciting! Like in anime! yes that would be nice. :3 Im a bit obsessed with anime.... juuuust a bit...... okay maybe more than a bit!!!!!!! So i guess you could say that my favorite things are fall and anime. And also candles. Im just random like that.

Right now im sitting in one of my favorite places, on the steps of an abandoned old kind of church building. Its all stone so its still in pretty good shape. I live in a small town thats kind of Medievalish..... every building is made of stone and the streets are made of cobblestones. If you have seen the anime Vampire Knight then you have a pretty good idea of what it looks like. My house is on the outskirts, away from the main part with the town square and all the shops. Behind it is all forest, and if you walk far enough you come to a waterfall that flows into a small crystal clear lake that i like to call Moon Pool. Dont ask why, i just think it suits it ;) Its also one of my favorite places.

So anyway, what im doing out here at the old church is, im thinking........ just sitting here and thinking and imagining. I just finished watching the latest episode of Naruto Shippuden and im a bit annoyed that they are doing fillers again! AGAIN!! Just get on with the story! Meza wants ta know whatz happens next >;) muhaha! Hmmms I wonder what it would be like to be a ninja in the naruto world...... it would be amazing:D It would be cool in the Bleach world too but theres too much fighting and seriousness for my taste. Oooo and what about Ouran Highschool Host Club........


Who dares interupt my anime thoughts???? >:( Oh it my bestest friend in the world, Emma!!

"EMMY" i scream and run towards her. "your crying!! whats wrong???"

She sniffles, "Kakashi DIED! whyyyyyy??!! life isnt fair!!!" She loves anime too.

Hehehehe :P i just giggle at her cuz i know the truth!

Shes still sobbing though so she doesnt notice me laughing. Thats good cuz im not about to ruin it for her and tell her he comes back to life!

"HE DOES???? YAY!"

oops did i say that out loud? Well that was strange.....

"Uh maaaybe, how about you go and find out?" i suggest

"Okay! see ya later besty!" she gives me a biiiig smile and runs off towards her house.

Woah, bi polar much ;)

So now im alone again..... and getting a bit bored, so i decide to go to the Moon Pool. I get up and head towards the trail that leads there through the woods. Its getting a bit late, but my parents arent the overprotective type and they trust me well enough not to murder someone or get kidnapped or anything. My parents are Joe and Alisha Parker. Yes their last name is different from mine because im adopted. I never knew my real parents, and nobody i ask has ever been able to tell me anything about them. Its like they never existed at all......

Ahead of me i can hear the rush of the waterfall so i start to run, just to get there faster. Mmmm another thing i love: running in the forest. Makes me feel freeeee!

I get there and stop suddenly. Something doesnt feel right......

And Into The Portal We Go (a Vampire Knight fanfic) ON HOLD unfortunatelyWhere stories live. Discover now