Chapter 9~ Strange shadow things O_o

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Chapter 9

And here i thought i was special! No, just kidding, but really, i thought i was the only one that knew about the portal. I guess i should have known better. People back in my dimension probably know about it too. And it has probably been used a lot before i found it. It's weird to think that something so sureal was right under my nose for all these years and i didnt know it. And even weirder that people in the past havent found it and made it public knowledge. I guess the people that do know about the portal wanted to keep it a secret to make it feel more special. Or is that just me? Well anyway, no matter how special the thing is, im not going one step closer! I dont want it to hypnotize me like last time. That would be bad. Well, i completed my mission, so i guess i should head back now, before it gets dark. Er.

I make my way back out from behind the waterfall and start to walk back to the trail that i came here on. I'll just follow it out of the woods and then walk back to the school from there. I know my way around perfectly seeing as this place is almost identical to my town. I have already come to the conclusion that they are the same place but just in different dimensions. Well, thats just a guess but it makes sense!

Because i was wrapped up in my thoughts i didnt notice the shadows. But i notice them now, and i freeze mid step. They are flickering in and out of view, lightning fast, so i can just see them out of the edge of my vision for a split second. They are in the treeline, and it seems as if they are circling around me, but i cant be sure. I try to follow one with my eyes but i cant keep track of it for any more than a second. What are they? Why are they here? I say this in my head solely for myself, but i get an answer to my questions. It comes as whispers. Whispers softly drifting all around me so i cant tell where exactly the source is.

We are guardians...


We protect...

Protect the secret....

The precious...

It is our duty....

We protect it!

And with that the shadows rush towards me. Still circling around me and still going lightning fast, but closer. My muscles tense and i close my eyes as i prepare myself for the attack. My senses are on full alert, yet im paralyzed. A cold wind is rushing around me and i can sense the presence of the shadows as they close in. My skin has goosebumps and is cold as ice, as much from fear as from the abnormally freezing air. I shiver as i get lifted off the ground. I feel myself flying throught the air, out of my control. A gasp escapes my lips as i realize that i am not actually levitating, but i am being carried. Carried by strong warm arms. I can move again, but im suddenly exhausted so i just open my eyes. What i see isnt surprising in the least. I somehow subconciously knew it was him even before i actually saw him. A weak smile reaches my lips, and i murmmur his name before i slip into the darkness.


~ * ~ * ~

I wake up in my bed, covered by the big puffy duvet with my head laying on a multitude of soft pillows. Mmmm comfy :) I try to sit up but as soon as i lift my head a wave of dizziness and nausea passes over me. Ugh what happened to me anyway? All i can remember is going for a walk in the woods. Was that yesterday or today? How did i get back? And most importantly, why do i feel so shitty!?!? It would be really good if someone could answer these questions for me! But im stuck with them unanswered because i cant get up without getting dizzy. And nobody is conveniently sitting by my bed for when i wake up, like they are supposed to be in these type of situations. ;) Hehe, i know i expect too much. My excuse is i watch too many movies. Maybe if i make lots of noise somebody will come.... I test out my voice by saying my name but it comes out scratchy and croaky. I cringe. Ugh, i guess thats not going to work very well. As i scan the dark room for something to make noise with i make out a figure slumped against the wall on the other side of the room. Once my eyes adjust to the darkness some more i can tell who it is. Zero. Something flickers in my memory... but its vague.... just the sensation of warmth and safety. Did Zero save me from something... again?

And Into The Portal We Go (a Vampire Knight fanfic) ON HOLD unfortunatelyWhere stories live. Discover now