Chapter 7~ Questions

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Chapter 7

"You know im a vampire. Dont you?"

Hes acting really serious and i dont do good in serious situations. I squirm a bit from his intense gaze and look down at my hands in my lap. I was hoping he wouldnt ask this. Now i have to decide whether to tell him the truth and risk him sending me home, or to lie to him and risk him finding out i lied and never trusting me again. It always turns out like that when people lie. so i dont like to do it and i dont think i will right now! That and i cant think of a believable one. I also dont want to tell him the truth though...

"Yeah, i know." I finally say

"How? I just met you, and barely anybody except the headmaster and some other vampires know about me. And none of them would have told you, so how the hell do you know?!?!" He demands

Ugh i still havent made up my mind so i say, "I cant tell you yet. I'm sorry."

"Yet??" He asks, confused.

"Yet, as in i will tell you soon."

He scowls at me and glares but he stops asking questions.

He looks so mad and serious! Heehee. Its actually funny! Like i said, I dont do good in serious situations. I always find something funny about it and start laughing. But this time i wont laugh......... trying not to laugh............. trying so hard not to laugh at the stupid expression on his face....... Its so STUPID !

And thats it.

I cant take it anymore!

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! YOUR FACE!!!!" i burst out laughing and fall off the bench.

"THIS IS SERIOUS! WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING???" He growls/yells at me.

Im rolling around on the ground laughing like a maniac. I try to tell him that Im laughing at his face but it just comes out sounding something like "Yuurafashch!"


I calm down a bit so i can sit up and actually look at him again."I said, your face."

"You were laughing at my face???" An irk mark appears on his head and he makes another super angry face.

I point at his face and burst out laughing again. ;)

Zero growls and tackles me to the ground and pins my arms above my head.

I gasp and stop laughing. His face isnt funny anymore.... its actually kind of menacing.

"How. Do. You. Know." He says each word separetely and slowly and stares into my eyes.

"You wouldnt believe me." I say and return his stare

He growls again and his eyes turn red. I dont look away though. He wouldnt kill me. Or any human for that matter.

"Will you tell me now?" I can see his fangs when he talks.

"Im not afraid of you."

"I'm a blood sucking monster and you arent afraid of me???"

"I'm not afraid of you and you arent a monster. Although... isnt it awkward to talk with fangs?"

"No...." he answers my random question. "But they arent meant for talking... they're meant for biting."

He has both of my small wrists in one of his big hands so his other hand is able to move and brush the hair away from my neck. Woaaah buddy, what are you planning??

He leans down towards me. But i dont move. I just watch him. And wait.

Suddenly he shoves himself away from me, quite violently actually. I skid a little ways across the cobblestones and he flys backwards and lands on the ground pretty hard. Ouch.

And Into The Portal We Go (a Vampire Knight fanfic) ON HOLD unfortunatelyWhere stories live. Discover now