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Hello wonderful fans :) Thank you so much to everybody who has been reading this fanfic! I haven't updated it in such a long time, and I don't know when I will update again... So yeah, this notice is to explain why.

This was my first ever fan fiction and I started it about two years ago. I was 14. Now I'm 16. Quite a lot of maturing (or something like that!) goes on in between those ages. My writing has improved considerably (at least I hope so!) and my style is different. Better. I hope.

So what I'm saying is: I don't write or think the same way as I did when I began this story, therefore it's extremely difficult to continue it! I still love Vampire Knight, but I'm no longer quite as obsessed. I still love this fanfic, and I love everybody who loves it, but I just have absolutely no motivation to keep writing. And if I do keep writing, will it still be the same? I can't guarantee that the story will feel the same as it does in the completed chapters.

Also, the freaking basic conventions of writing mistakes are KILLING ME! Why the hell did I think that not capitalizing 'I' was an okay thing to do? It's just infuriating!

I feel so bad for not completing this story, but I don't even have a plan for it. I have one idea that I've had since the beginning, and it's already 14 chapters and I still haven't gotten to it! So I feel bad for not introducing that one crucial idea to you guys, and I'm so sorry that I don't know whether you'll ever get to know or not.

I'm just making excuses really, and what I'm trying to get at is that I might not finish this fanfic. Ever.

So I'm going to stop kind of promising that an update will be soon.

I hope you understand! I'm so sorry! Maybe most of you have already forgotten all about my fic, and don't even care anymore, but I'm still sorry.

But I don't know, maybe one day I'll be bored and I'll think "Hey! I should finally be loyal to my fans and update that freaking fan fiction!"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2013 ⏰

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