Chapter 6~ I like Rocks ^_^

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Chapter 6

"Akaku, akaku, akaku yurete

yume no yume no hat e

deatte shimotta un- Gah!! Get out get out!"

Its morning now and im having a bath. I was quietly singing the theme song for Vampire Knight and feeling quite relaxed when Zero walks in on me!!!!

He hastily backs out and closes the door. "Oops sorry I guess we forgot to tell you, the lock on the door doesnt work properly so if you are in here you need to put a towel on the handle outside."

"Well that would have been good to know!"

"I said i was sorry! I was going to have a bath but i guess ill come back later..." He says and i hear him begin to walk away.

"No wait, its fine, Im done anyway!" I call to him as i get out and wrap a towel around myself.

"You sure?"

"Yep Im all squeaky clean! One sec, ill be right out."

I proceed to dry myself off and get dressed and whatnot and i continue my singing.

"What are you singing?" he asks. I blush, although im not sure why beacause i sing around people all the time!

"Its the theme song for..." Wait do they have tv here? ".... for something." I say stupidly

"Ummm okay.... Well i like it."

This makes me blush even more and i think 'Awww Zeros expressing his feelings! Sort of.'

What i actually say though is, "Thanks! Its japanese and its called Futatsu no Kodou to Akai Tsumi."

"What does it mean in English?"

By now im done dressing and am brushing out my hair. "Umm i think it means Two Heartbeats and Red Sins but im not completely sure..." i reply

I walk out of the bathroom and Zero walks in. I see he had already put a towel on the handle. Aww that means i cant get payback on him by walking in..... not that i want to walk in on him..... Hee hee ;)

~ * ~ * ~

I walk around exploring for a bit, until i start to get hungry. The headmaster isnt up yet so I'm going to make breakfast! although I'm not a fantastic cook and i dont know what everyone here likes... I'll just go ask Zero!

I walk down the hallway and see that there is no towel on the bathroom door. Zero must be out now. Wow that was fast! I go to his door and start to knock but the door isnt closed all the way so it opens a bit when my hand touches it. Oops. Through the crack i get a glimpse of a shirtless Zero drying his hair with a towel. Mini Mental Freakout Time! 'Gaaah Shirtless Zero! OhMyFreakingGod! ;)' I kind of gasp and give myself away. He comes over to the door and opens it the rest of the way.

"U-uhhmm" I stutter. "Soorry! I was just wondering what you would like for breakfast...."

"Your going to make breakfast?" He asks

"Uh-huh." I say. "Its the least I can do since you guys are letting me stay here and all."

"Okay." He says while pulling on a white t shirt. "Well i dont know about the headmaster but i like pretty much anything. What do you know how to make?"

"Uhhhhhh. Pancakes?" is my lame reply.

He sweatdrops. It seems i make him do that a lot ;)

"Alright then we are making pancakes." He tells me, and i just stare at him. Did he say we?

"Your going to help me?" I ask, getting a little bit excited.

"Well... You might mess it up... so yes." he says as he walks past me and out the door, heading to the kitchen.

Now its my turn to sweatdrop. "Jerk." i mumble as i follow him.

~ * ~ * ~

Making pancakes with Zero is actually pretty fun! We had a pancake batter war. (which obviously i started) It was an accident actually. I was stirring it and some kind of flew out of the bowl and hit him. Okay, maybe more than some..... Hehehe. It was soo funny! The look on his face was priceless! I laughed hysterically at him, until he got his revenge that is. I was pleasantly surprised. Isnt Zero usually all serious and dark all the time? When did he start participating in food fights? I dont know but i like this side of him!

This continues for a while and when we finally run out of batter, there is probably more on us and the walls than there is in the pancakes that actually got cooked. Which is about 9 or 10. We both point at each other and laugh uncontrolably for a while. Then we fall down onto the floor side by side, clutching our stomachs.

"Heehee, that was fun!" I say and turn my head to look at him.

He looks at me too and we both smile. I didnt expect him to say anything back so it surprised me when he said, "Yeah it was. I havent laughed that much for a really long time."

"Aww well you should more then! I like your laugh." I tell him

He blushes a bit and gives me this really intense look thats kinda hard to understand. Hes staring at me so i blush too.

And this is how Headmaster Cross found us.

"Awwwww Zero! Somebodies got a cruuuuuush!!!" He yells

We both sit up really fast, which gives me a headrush and i fall back down. Zero however stays upright and glares at the headmaster who is still cooing over 'Zeros crush'. He gets up and punches him across the head and says "Knock it off! Its not like that". My poor daddy falls down and i crawl over to him. He has swirlies in his eyes and there are stars circling around his head. "I think you killed him....." I tell Zero.

"Naah hes fine." He says and starts to clean up our war mess. I get up and join him. By the time the Headmaster is able to get up again the kitchen is back to normal and we have begun eating our pancakes. Yuuummm they were actually so goood! Zeros a good cook! Yeah, I know i said i was going to make breakfast but really, cookings not my thing. And apparently it is definately Zeros thing!

~ * ~ * ~

After breakfast i ask the headmaster if its alright if i explore the school grounds. He said yes and then told Zero to go with me so i dont get lost.

Pfft, I wouldnt get lost..... :P Even so, im glad to have Zero with me!

Sooo.. We are walking randomly around the campus. Neither of us are talking, which is fine. Im not one of those people who feels the need to fill silence with mindless chattering. I see a cool bench that looks like its make of marble so i run over and lay down on it.

"Mmmmm it IS marble!" I say as i rub my hands on it. I have a rock fetish. My parents said they always wondered why my real parents named me Opal, until they took me to the beach one day when i was 3. Apparently i spent the whole time looking for rocks. So, even before i can remmeber, i was fascinated by rocks. Especially smooth ones. When i was little and did this, people cooed at me and said i was co cute. Today they just look at me like im crazy. Which is what Zero is doing right now.

"I like rocks." I say and then sit up. I motion for him to come sit beside me and he does. I gaze around at our surroundings. This school is so beautiful. Its too bad that this is one of the only differences between my town and this one. The other difference is all the random narrow allyways in between and behind the buildings.

I'm perfectly happy just sitting here in my own little world but i feel Zero looking at me so i turn my head to see what he wants. Hes looking at me kind of intensely. For the second time today. "What is it?" I ask, confused.

"You know about me....." He says slowly and in a quiet voice. "You know im a vampire."

(Authors Note:Ooooo whats gonna happen???? I honestly dont know yet, sooo any ideas would be welcomed! Its kinda short sorry! but i wanted to end it there and didnt know of anything else to put in between.)

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