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Chapter 11

"So where exactly are we going?" I ask as I trudge behind the Headmaster and Zero. Its only been a day since I was attacked by the weird shadows. I slept all of yesterday, but I'm still really tired! I guess it could be from too much sleep though. Even so, they could have let me rest some more instead of dragging me to town with no explanation! Grrrs.

"To get some answers about what happened to you." Is all i get for a reply.

I want answers as much as they do but i also want to sleeeeep! I'm not in the mood for digging around for information.

"Mmmmmm...." I moan in reply, "Zero....?"

"What is it?"

"Carry me?" I ask hopefully and attemp to jump up onto his back.

"Wha-- NO! GET OFF!" He shouts at me and shakes me off.

*Sniffles* "Daddy, Zero's being mean to me." I complain in a very annoying little kid voice.

"Zero!" The headmaster gasps. I smirk. Zero doesnt answer the headmaster but gives me a death glare instead. I glare back.... until i finally get tired of it and say again, "Daddy--- OWW"

Zero cuts off my annoyingness by smacking the back of my head. "Don't wack me!!" I scream at him as i rub the lump on my head. For payback, I grab his arm and bite it. Hard.

"GYAAAH!" He screams and attempts to shake me off. It doesn't work though, Hehehehe! ;) He ends up having to pry me off of him.

Oooo, that sound kinky. Heehee.

Yeah... I get like this when I'm tired. My friends know to avoid me when I act this way. But unfortunately Zero hasn't learned that.. until today that is. I let go of him and pout. I fall behind again and the rest of our journey into town goes in silence.

~ * ~ * ~

Wooaah... coool!!! We are standing in front of a building made of stone with pillars marking the entrance. I immediately love it and stop feeling so crappy and tired.

"What is it?" I ask the headmaster

"This is the Vampire Hunters Association Headquarters." He replys

Thats right, they went here in the anime to find out about Yuukis past! This is where the Vampire Hunters keep all of their documents!

"Awesome! Are we here to research about the weird shadow thingys?"

"If we can find something on them, yes, but mostly we are here to research portals."

"Oooh." I guess that is more important....? I don't voice my confusion but the Headmaster seems to sense it anyway, and says,"They are probably both connected and if we research "portals" it gives us a more narrowed down selection than if we research "shadows".

"Ooooh." I say again, this time in understanding. We walk forwards, past the pillars and towards the door. Once we are inside, I somewhat recognize it. They show the entry hallway on the anime... and we will turn down..... THAT HALLWAY!

YEAH I WAS RIGHT! I smirk in silent triumph as we turn down the hallway I suspected. As I'm wrapped up in my thoughts I don't notice a woman walk up to us. Until she speaks.

"Kaien Cross. The Hunters Association seems to be seeing quite a lot of you lately." The woman says in a soft, smooth, almost seductive voice. She is wearing a tight, lilac colored dress, and is very beautiful. Who is she I wonder?

The Headmaster looks at her in surprise for a moment before replying, "Indeed, many things have happened recently. May I ask what your position here is and how you know me?"

And Into The Portal We Go (a Vampire Knight fanfic) ON HOLD unfortunatelyWhere stories live. Discover now