Chapter 10~ My Heart is Made of Chocolate <3

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Chapter 10 (It would have been longer but that would have taken a while longer and i reallly wanted to update ^_^)

After all of that excitement, Zero goes and lays down on the couch and closes his eyes. Propping his feet up on the armrest and linking his arms behind his head.

"Make yourself at home." I say sarcastically


I look down at my hands in my lap as i say, "Soo...thanks for saving me. How did you find me anyway?"

I look up to see his head is turned towards me. His eyes are open now and they are glinting bright violet in the faint moonlight that is streaming through the window.

"I followed your scent."

"Oooh... thats not strange at all....." And then it occured to me to ask, "Why did you come looking for me in the first place?"

"I'm a vampire what do you expect?! Well, you were gone for a long time." He replies in a low voice.

I smirk. "Aww, you were worried about me! Look out world, Zero has feelings!!"

"Shut up." Is all he says before he goes back to his original position; beautiful eyes closed once again.

"No I'm serious. You barely ever show your emotions... except for anger." I say in a more serious tone.

His voice holds no emotion. Proving my point. "What are you talking about? I have shown lots of emotion around you."

My eyes widen at his almost-confession. It's true, he does actually. Does Zero think of me as a friend? Has he let me into his heart? Maybe I'm wrong about him after all......

"Okay, true. But don't forget, i have watched you only show emotion to Yuuki. I know seeing it through a screen is a lot different than actually being there and seeing it, but if you did open up to more people, the anime would have turned out differently. So, i guess what i'm really wondering is.... why do you show your emotions around me, when you don't to anyone else?"

He is silent for a moment, processing my words in his mind. He sits up on the couch, facing me, but with his head down and his hair covering his face so i can't see it. I shift on the bed so I am sitting cross legged and facing him, and wait patiently for him to speak. I know if i rush him he will just get mad and i will never get an answer.

"I don't know." He finally says. "I guess when I'm around you i don't even think about it. You're different than all the other people. And..... In a way you remind me of Yuki."

Damn. I remind him of a girl that abandoned him. I want to ask if that's what he means... but it would probably ruin the mood so i don't. ;) Instead i say, "Thanks Zero, that actually means a lot." Which it does, except for the last part.

He looks up now and looks in my eyes... and does what i knew he would eventually do. He changes the subject. But not how i expected him to... He says, "When you were sleeping, you were dreaming. And from watching you i can tell it wasn't a good one."

I sweatdrop. Great, he was watching me sleep. This reminds me so much of the book 'Twilight', it's creepy.

"Uh, yeah, sometimes i have nightmares but i can never remember them when i wake up so it's no big deal. Also, i don't get scared easily so if i did remember them, it still wouldn't be a big deal."

"Well obviously you were scared in your dream." He states.

"Maybe, but i don't remember what it was about. the only reason i know i have nightmares is from creepers like you watching me sleep and then telling me when i wake up!"

"I'm not a creeper. It's just kind of hard to ignore somebody thrashing around in their sleep!"

My eyes widen. Did i actually do that??? Well, thats new.... "So what exactly is your point for teling me this?"

His face softens. I know because of that, that he doesn't mean it when he says, "No reason."

Translation: I was worried

Awwwe :) I smile and slide myself off the bed, to stand on the floor. I walk over to Zero and sit beside him on the couch. Not too close, and not too far. Just as i would with a friend. Zero is my friend, and i feel like i need to show him that. Somehow. He has led a lonely life for far too long.

"Zero.... you can trust your friends. You can trust me...."

I'm not very good at seriousness, like i have said before, but right now it's different. Right now it doesn't feel awkward or uncomfortable. It feels.... right.

"....You just need to let people into your heart, for them to trust you back. Thats what friendship is." I'm trying to find the right words, to get through to him. I think its working... if only a little bit.

I can sense him stiffen beside me. I peek over at him, to see if it is is because i have gone too far and made him mad at me. It's not though. His jaw is clenched and his hands are made up into fists. All the signs of anger... but, his eyes tell a diffferent story. Mixed up in his eyes is a combination of all different emotions, raging war on a shimmering violet battlefield. Out of all of those though, i can tell that sorrow, and guilt are the strongest. His voice holds both of those in it as well, as he says, "But what if that trust is betrayed?"

"Well, then i guess it's up to the betrayer to realize they made a mistake, and for the betrayee to forgive." Oh God, i hope i'm not giving false advice!

He closes his eyes for a moment and then opens them again. He looks at me, new resolve clear on his face. "I guess that true." He says, no longer sounding sad or guilty.

Good, I'm glad i could help him. One of my goals in life is complete! And, now its time to change the subject.

I stand up and walk over to the door. I point at it and say, "Zero! Time for you to leave." I smirk

"What? Why?"

"So i can bathe and get dressed." I feel disgusting. I guess Zero was telling the truth when he said i had a nightmare. I think I sweated out an entire pool full of water!

"Oh. Okay." He stands up and makes his way to the door. Once he's there he turns to me and looks me in the eyes and says, "Opal, thank you." As he leaves his hand brushes against mine.

His touch makes my skin tingle. His voice, saying my name, makes me catch my breath. I shouldn't be feeling this. I just... shouldn't. True, i have been obsessed with him ever since i discovered the anime, but i never actually thought of him as anything more than a super hot anime dude. (Don't tell him i said that!) But even so......

I think my heart just melted.

And Into The Portal We Go (a Vampire Knight fanfic) ON HOLD unfortunatelyWhere stories live. Discover now