Chapter 5~ My new family

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Hey everyone! thanks for the comments and support! Again, im sorry for any mistakes and that its kinda short but as always,  ENJOY!

Chapter 5

YEAH! I am officially attending Cross Academy. :D There is no school right now since some of the buildings are destroyed due to Rido Kuran, so the only students here are Zero and I. The repairs should be done in a few months. Kaien Cross is the headmaster here and since i have nowhere else to go he is letting me stay with him and Zero! Yay! He also says i can call him daddy....... Awww poor him! He misses Yuki too much! I might just humour him and actually call him that once in a while. ;) I thought i knew how awesome Kaien Cross was just by watching the anime but in person he is so much awesomer!!! Hes really funny and is always so cheerful. It makes me want to smile just being in the same room as him!

Speaking of rooms.... mine is across the hall from Zeros and its actually pretty nice and not plain like the dorm rooms. It has a double bed with super comfy pillows, a nightstand with this really cool lamp made out of black metal with a vines design going up the sides, a wardrobe in the corner with actually a few clothes in it (probably Yukis) and a black couch by the window on the far wall. I plan on staying for a while so i probably will need to get some more clothes... Oh ya! The headmaster gave me a uniform! Its so cute, i love it. <3 All the girls in the day class wear the same thing. A white collared, button up shirt with a black jacket with white line designs, a black mini skirt and a big red bow tie thingy. I know your jealous ;) hehehe

"Opaaaal!!!" i hear headmaster Cross call from down the hall, "Dinners ready!"

I skip out of my room and down the hall to the dining room. Zero is sitting at the round table with a bowl of soup in front of him and Headmaster Cross is walking in from the kitchen with more food. I run up to him and give him a biiig hug and say "Mmmm smells good dad!"

He blushes and then drops the food and hugs me back. Hes anime crying and yelling out something along the lines of "Oh Opal your so cute! I'm so glad to have such a cute daughter!!!" hehe i feel loved :)

Im still being sqeezed by my "dad" and i look over at Zero. Hes staring at us and has his spoon poised in the air with soup dripping off of it and a blank look on his face. When he sees me looking at him he gives me a look that says 'Really?' I give him a big cheesy smile and he just sweatdrops at me.

"Well lets eat!" I say as i break away from the hug/death sqeeze. I sit down across from Zero and the headmaster comes and sits in between us and we began eating the delicious vegatable soup and homemade bread sticks. Yummm. The rest of the meal went on with me and the headmaster laughing and being our usual crazy selves and Zero giving us weird looks.

~ * ~ * ~

After helping clean up the dinner things, i go into the living room to see Zero sitting on the couch. Hes cleaning his precious gun, Bloody Rose, and doesnt seem to notice me come in. I use this to my advantage and proceed to sneak up behind the couch.

"RAWR!" I scream and catapault over the back of the couch and land on his lap :) Muaha i feel ninja!

Hes startled and drops his gun and it lands on me. "Ouch!" i complain, and rub the growing bump on my arm. "that things heavy!"

He picks the gun back up and sets it down on the coffee table in front of the couch. "Well its your own fault it landed on you in the first place!" He grumbles at me.

"Hee hee." I giggle and just look up at him.

Its then that he realizes that I'm on his lap. And how close i am to him. His eyes go down to look at my neck and his eyes start to flicker red.

I know hes a vampire. But i trust him not to eat me. Not without my permission anyways ;)

Just as i thought, he fights his vampire instincts and tears his eyes away from me and pushes me off his lap. Thankfully not onto the floor. "Oof." I land on my butt on the other side of the couch and hit my head on the armrest. Ugh hes strong. "so violent." I mumble, now nursing two wounds. Both caused by him. Well.... I guess i had a hand in them too. ;)

Zero is sitting as far away from me as the couch will allow with his eyes closed and his hands curled into fists in his lap. Hes trying to act normal, but isnt succeeding. Its a good thing i already know hes a vampire, otherwise i would wonder what the hell his problem was. I just sit there, waiting for him to calm down..... .. still waiting...... okay this is taking a while. either my blood smells really bad or really good..........

I decide to not make him suffer anymore so i get up to go back to my room. When im in the doorway i look back and see he looks more relaxed. Jeesh, doesn that make me feel good about myself. :P "Goodnight Zero." I say quietly, and i see him nod his head.

Once im back in my room i see that there is a white nightgown on my bed. Thank you headmaster Cross :3 Now i dont need to sleep in my underwear in a house belonging to men... I pick up the nightgown and head down the hall to the bathroom.

The bathroom is pretty nice too. Its white and clean looking. But there is ony a tub and no shower... Well in that case i will have a bath in the morning when nobody is awake yet. Having a bath makes me feel exposed...... unless theres lots of bubbles!!!!!!!! which i doubt they have ;) On the counter is a toothbrush, a bar of soap and a note. I read the note.

It says: Dear Opal, this soap and toothbrush is for you! Its red, i hope you like that color! Under the counter are towels if you need them. Sincerley: Your daddy

Awwe hes so sweet :) Only he would worry about the color of a toothbrush that he gives a strange girl who he just met. I find toothpaste in a drawer, so i brush my teeth, wash my face, put on my new nightgown and im all set! I go back to my room and sit down on the couch. I cant sleep yet, so much has happened today my mind can barely process it! I sit there for a while, looking out the window at the beautiful night. I start to get drowsy so i trudge over to the bed and crawl under the big comfy duvet. Im actually so exhausted from the days events so i fall asleep right away, and drift into the land of dreams.

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