Chapter 4~ Cross Academy in the Flesh... er... Stone ;)

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Chapter 4

(Hellooo Sorry for the chapters being so short! Enjoy! ^_^)

It all happens so fast i can barely react! The guy (who i now know is a level E vampire) springs towards me hissing and with his arms outstretched. His fingernails are now like claws and they look like they are gonna tear me to shreds! I just stood there with a shocked expression on my face. My eyes wide and filled with fear and confusion. Fear beacause obviously hes gonna kill me! and confusion for what he said just moments before. What did he mean i am another? Hes just inches away from me now but its so fast i dont even close my eyes. Because of this i actually see what happens, unlike in all the movies you see where the victim closes their eyes and waits for death. Although, just like in the movies, death doesnt take me. Somebody saves me.

"Zero!" i gasp. One second i was about to die and the next the most amazing guy ever is standing in front of me. Protecting me. Wow i never imagined this would happen! Well i guess considering all thats happened to me recently, i should expect the unexpected.

Zero shoots his anti vampire gun "Bloody Rose" at the level E, and of course he doesnt miss, and it explodes into a pile of dust and cloth.

Then he turns toward me and mumbles in his signature grumpy/annoyed voice, "Dont you know not to hang around abandoned allyways?" And with that he turns back around and strides off again.

I snap out if the daze and follow him. He has long legs so he got pretty far already. I had to run the catch up. I ran up to him and grabbed his arm, which made him stop and look down at me. He looked annoyed, but he always does so i wasnt concerned.

"Your Zero Kiryu". I said. Thanks for saving me."

Yes i know i could have said something more exciting and less creeperish but really, i just almost died, so my brain was being a bit slow.

"Yeah, i am" He said. "next time be sure i dont have to save you." And again, he walks away from me.

Oh no, boy, your not getting away from this creeper that easily.

I run back up to him and start walking beside him.

"Hey," i say. "Do you still go to Cross Academy?"

"Yes" he replys

"Wellll i was thimking of transfering there ..... do you mind if i walk with you?"

He looks at me now and says "Do you know me? Your being kind of Creepy...."

I smile evily at him and say, "Oh, i know you."

Silence...... awkward for him, not so much for me.

Then he says, "If you're serious about going to Cross Academy then i guess I could take you there. But im on an errand for the Headmaster right now so you will have to wait until im done."

I smirk in triumph. "Alright!"

So after following Zero around town for about 20 mins we finally head to the academy. I was curious to see where exactly it was, seeing as this town was almost identical to mine and there is no giant school anywhere that i know of. We turn down a familiar road and i start to get reallly excited! This is my neighborhood! Theres Emmas house. And Zia's, Haru's. Lots of people in my town like to name their kids weird names, if you havent noticed already. ;) Hey, theres my house!

Seeing all their houses makes me think of the people who live in them. Will i ever see them again? That thought makes me sad..... I love my friends and my family and everyone else on this street. I dont want to lose them forever, without even saying goodbye.

Zero seems to notice my change in mood because hes looking down at my again with his worried expression that i think is so cute. ^_^.

I decide that i dont want him to know that i live in a different dimension, Not yet anyway. So i put on my best fake smile and look him in the eyes to tell him im alright. If he knew the truth he might try to make me go back. Even though im going to miss everyone i want to stay here at least a little bit longer. He seems to understand i dont want him to pry so he looks away again and doesnt say anything.

Now we have gotten past all the houses and i think i know where we are going...... sure enough, up ahead is the old abandeoned churchish building. except this one doesnt look old and abandoned... and behind it is a stone path that leads through the trees and up to a ginormous building! I gape up at it in surprise. It doesnt seem so big when you are seeing through a screen!

"We're here." Zero says. And he starts down the path towards Cross Academy. Hopefully my new home. :)

~ * ~ * ~ <(^_^)>

Im sitting in front of Headmaster Cross's desk in his office. Zero is sitting next to me. After i tell them my name he starts explaining to the Headmaster how he had saved me and so on. I was kind of zoned out and just looking around the room in wonder. But then Zero refered to me as an idiot and i was back in an instant!

"Whatt?? Say that again?" im standing now and facing him and kind of yelling in his face. He doesnt even flinch.

His face is composed as he says, "You are an idiot."

I glare at him but he continues anyway. "Even your name makes you seem idiotic. Opal. Makes you sound like a rock." by now you can tell hes hiding a smirk.

Grrr i dont like people insulting me! Or my name! so naturally i have to make a comeback.

"Yeah well your name is no better! it makes you sound like you are........ uh..... like you are number zero!"


We all went silent after that patheticness

Zero sweatdrops.

The headmaster laughs hysterically.

I, on the otherhand, am now sitting in the corner anime crying at them. "Dont judge me..." i mumble.

This makes the headmaster laugh even harder. Now hes got anime tears flying out if his eyes and hes pounding his fists on his desk. Hehe it kind of looks like hes having a temper tantrum.

Zero actually smiles!!!! YEAH! i feel so proud for being able to make Zero Kiryu Smile!

After we all calm down the mood in the room is cheerful and we get to talking about me joining Cross Academy :)

And Into The Portal We Go (a Vampire Knight fanfic) ON HOLD unfortunatelyWhere stories live. Discover now